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In the Dream Called Our Shared Human Journey... the Meanings and Messages for US All to Take to Heart

on Mon, 04/19/2021 - 16:33

In the previous post below are some notes I took on part of the MN State Attorney's closing arguments... This post of mine are thoughts that come to mind...and I feel is part of the greater story of our shared humanity...See also #RememberingKaelanAlexanderPalmerPaton also, a post I wrote over the years... We can learn from one another and the major stories as well...

let's keep US All in prayer that we can all 'look quietly within' and realize how often people take one another for granted, fail to learn about emotional and psychological factors in life (their own and others in their family,

Proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt (based on reason and common sense) key to weighing the charges against Derek Chauvin

on Mon, 04/19/2021 - 16:08

The Minnesota State Attorney giving closing arguments in the Derek Chauvin case aired on television this Monday morning, April 19, 2021 is one all people could benefit from hearing with an open mind. The judge read the law, charges and manner in which evidence should be considered by the 12 jurors before the closing arguments began.

The State's Attorney made points that 'you can believe what you see in the video in terms of Derek Chauvin kneeling on the back of the neck of George Floyd on May 25th, 2020. The various charges were defined clearly with the elements that need to be proved beyond

A More Mellow Version of the Post Below..with a few tips added...Thinking About Screening for abuse before Relationship or Family Counseling Sessions or Custody or Divorce concerns..

on Fri, 04/16/2021 - 17:30
There are some posts I looked at from the Huffington Post about female sexuality and then one about Sexologists Debunk 17 Common Myths about Sex.
Feel free to look those up...This post covers a lot of topics not typical of a FB post so sorry if that's offensive for even bringing them up..but hopefully we'll all find a way to realize more of the big picture of what people, especially women and kids are facing this world today and coach one another to have a team of support, laws the protect and allow for letting people know what is important to consider and to plan for safety as much as

Keep an Eye on the Care and Love Most Humans Seek and Share Over A Lifetime...

on Fri, 04/16/2021 - 13:55

I recently saw the video (and there's a transcript on the Insider site too) called Sexologists Debunk 17 Common Myths about Sex and also some posts about sexuality on Huffington Post. So I thought I'd share a few ideas from over the decades to give more folks a sense of the outreach from long ago..and how difficult it can be to remind ourselves and youth and others in general that 'our bodies are our own' and we have a right to know ourselves and trust our feelings especially in terms of feeling safe, cared for, respected and appreciated..and in consensual interactions of all kinds.


Pamela Turner Trial Begins May 25th, 2021, a year after George Floyd's Life Was Ended by Derek Chauvin

on Tue, 04/13/2021 - 21:51

Hearing Attorney Ben Crump on a video conference outdoors in a noisy part of Houston TX, I learned of the horrendous turn of events that resulted in the shooting death of Pamela Turner who had tried to get a useless taser from a police officer who knew it would not fire again. Here is another link

She was going to be served papers apparently by the officer in a way which is not typical as she was going to put her trash out.
