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In the Dream Called Our Shared Human Journey... the Meanings and Messages for US All to Take to Heart

on Mon, 04/19/2021 - 16:33

In the previous post below are some notes I took on part of the MN State Attorney's closing arguments... This post of mine are thoughts that come to mind...and I feel is part of the greater story of our shared humanity...See also #RememberingKaelanAlexanderPalmerPaton also, a post I wrote over the years... We can learn from one another and the major stories as well...

let's keep US All in prayer that we can all 'look quietly within' and realize how often people take one another for granted, fail to learn about emotional and psychological factors in life (their own and others in their family, social circles, communities and on a wider scale as well...)

 All of this has moved our hearts and given us a chance to think about the power of a mother's love, a father's role (hopefully one of love also but about half of pregnancies are not planned...and about half of those are ended either due to the mother or someone else deciding that... and also many pregnancies result in miscarriage, again perhaps due to injury or high stress or other factors in addition to natural causes.

Even looking at one's Leptin Levels (which Kat James can enlighten our world about on her site for instance...with online coaching as well as some other programs on Sirius xm radio...and a couple of in-person programs...) Leptin imbalance may be a precursor to insulin resistance which leads often to all worth wanting to learn a lot more about. Leptin is key to many other forms of health as well very likely...but the info is not explored and shared with doctors so few know to help patients or educate the public...)

 So back to the case that is riveting our country and world, the day after the funeral mass of Prince Phillip with 2M more in England watched than the Oprah interview of Meghan and Harry. Seems the overall path is one of looking at humanity as a larger human family, much like happened with the life and efforts of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa who died within a short time of one another many years back. Hopefully we can all draw many insights from these legacies and the path of justice...and live with a hope to help one another not hurt each other. We are all making choices with our voices, willingness to listen and explore 'what if' scenarios..rather than assume everyone is living in a bubble and with a plan for NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard...) 

The story of Jesus is marked with Good Friday and Easter ceremonies around the same time of Passover (which marks the historic time of loss of the first born of all who did not have blood of a lamb on their doorposts to let the spirit of death passover their part of the ten plagues in the Old Testament... and led to Moses being able to lead the Jews out of Egypt...)  

The historical record of Jesus living and teaching that God is love and healing can come through forgiveness, connecting with the Holy Spirit and honoring God with social and family responsibilities...(and which in modern times seem to be about really seeking healing and acceptance of all people working toward a common good, but that's all up for discussion as there are 30K forms of Christianity and with a Holocaust to not forget and to reverence the ongoing implications for our world and humanity...such as explores among others...) So the  death of Jesus involved the declaration of a mob wanting to put him to death (for saying he was one with the Creator... and acting as his direct messenger and could forgive sins...)  

Jesus was not released by the crowd when given a chance to free someone about to be put to death.

There are stations of the cross recounting the trial, the whipping of Jesus and carrying the cross that he would be put to death on with a ring (some call a crown...and with corona virus sweeping the earth and timing of George Floyd's passing the ring is worldwide.. and yet focused on the loss of anyone suffering, killed or harmed silently (even from the past... the compassion with the #MeToo movement is now moving many hearts...and revamping our systems to be responsive with care and capability not reactive extreme control or killing.)

So here's part of the closing arguments and thanks to everyone realizing this as part of the worldwide wake up call for all of us.