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Happy Winter Solstice as of Dec 21st, 2015 at 11:49pm, Happy Hannukah and Kwaanza from Dec 26th, 2015-Jan1st, 2016 and Merry Christmas on Dec. 25th, 2105 or a Day of Peace (like the UN-sanctioned World Day of Peace on 9-21 but different as in older)

on Wed, 12/23/2015 - 22:03

In case people are wondering if I am thinking of them and ideas to share at this hustling, bustling time of year, I am! How can we inspire each other without feeling expired? Getting to bed without thinking of too many more things to do whether caring for ourselves and others or finding ways to enjoy the holidays or the winter season (with or without snow even in the North East now...yet some predict lots of snow in February similar to last year in 2014 when Boston was snowed in for a week or more.)

Cie Simurro has nice quarterly emails and promoted ideas from Hayhouse Publishing and

A Bigger Timeline for Each of Your Family Members and Folks in Your LIfe..Jot Down on Paper Ages and How Old Now and In Five Year Increments (or less for younger folks who seem to grow a ton in the first 5 years, then slow but still keep hatching out)

on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 19:04

 As much as we've tuned into thinking about the first days of the life of a fetus and realizing tremendous growth is happening as well as a bunch of stuff we don't quite understand (maybe even with the mom and dad if he's more than a donor, but even then enegetically the links may be more significant than accepted or understood as possibilities in terms of energetics links and influences as well as genetics unfolding and memory banks of cultures..and dare I offer the growing notion of the possibility of past lives?) Who chooses whom is a question like which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Handy Dandy Calendar Ideas (for Gifts for Your Family and Others)

on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 17:47

What's family got to do with Calendars, especially more than one years worth at a time? Well, people grow a year older and do things related to ages whether starting homeschooling or childcare programs (even helping each other care for children,which ideally all new parents could get in touch with some little ones at story hours, daycares --especially ones their child/ren may attend, school groups and parent groups linked to any programs well before they need to use them.

That is part of the wisdom that comes from being a parent or even grandparent or other relative or helper who may want to

Thanks for the Hospitality with Personality!

on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 17:07

Thanks for the hometown hospitality with great personality! Bear hugs to one and all through our cozy communities whether during the sparkling winter sky time of year (even without snow we are a shiny bunch) or the easier, breezier summer time of year.

Share ideas on about what makes our tri-corner area terrific as well as what may need fine tuning not unlike keeping cars and motorcycles in good working order and using them to cruise with cool rather than launch to a new dimension.

While Santa may be visiting,he lands gently on rooftops, Route 7 is not the

Thinking of How to Help Mothers and Children, Yes Fathers and Others too in MA/NY CT corner area and beyond

on Fri, 12/18/2015 - 16:12


After posting on the Northwest Corner Chatter of CT FB page about a mom needing help with per diem childcare and to catch up on rent (and yes, the wider community could help with rent if interested..just email and we'll chat up some ideas.
