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Happy Winter Solstice as of Dec 21st, 2015 at 11:49pm, Happy Hannukah and Kwaanza from Dec 26th, 2015-Jan1st, 2016 and Merry Christmas on Dec. 25th, 2105 or a Day of Peace (like the UN-sanctioned World Day of Peace on 9-21 but different as in older)

on Wed, 12/23/2015 - 22:03

In case people are wondering if I am thinking of them and ideas to share at this hustling, bustling time of year, I am! How can we inspire each other without feeling expired? Getting to bed without thinking of too many more things to do whether caring for ourselves and others or finding ways to enjoy the holidays or the winter season (with or without snow even in the North East now...yet some predict lots of snow in February similar to last year in 2014 when Boston was snowed in for a week or more.)

Cie Simurro has nice quarterly emails and promoted ideas from Hayhouse Publishing and

Thanks for being part of my journey, all 10K of you (plus or minus those who've viewed more than one post)

on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 04:02

I wanted to chime in here that about Ten Thousand people clicks on my blog posts have happened since its inception about a year ago. Maybe some the same people looked at a few postings. I've mentioned it in a few newspaper articles-- using the 'least amount of energy to get the most work/ exposure done'. Sometimes it feels like 'bragging or self-promotion' but really I feel like Somebuddy has to talk about these matters for more people to ponder collectively. It's not easy to start writing if one had been beaten down by naysayers or not built up by yeah-sayers.