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Do Your Homework and Consult with Coaches About Kitchen and Other Renovations and Projects

on Fri, 02/19/2021 - 21:19

 Who doesn't love the idea of enjoying a cup of tea and a warm batch of cookies out of the oven with a friend at the kitchen table?

Sometimes those simple pleasures are a luxury to consider if one's kitchen is in disarray or worse, disaster mode, not from a sinkful of  dirty dishes but from renovations gone wrong or didn't get up and running as planned....Maybe the only thing running were tricky salesfolks full of empty promises.

Exciting Seeds to Plant Before March 2021 To Grow a Garden of a Fuller Life (with new support and inspiration and hopefully success!)

on Fri, 02/19/2021 - 20:56

Check out the following inspiring offers I am considering doing...and please let folks know if you join a program from me telling you about it. Lots of great things are happening now that could be wonderful boosts and game-changers for you at this time by Getting Started!

Learning all about this incredible offer from Carol Ann on an afternoon workshop...So Check It Out. (Please let her know you are joining thru me if that ends up being the case... many thanks!)
.It's 1K now for a year-long membership with a ton of great programs to help one

Great Inspiration Online and With Small Moments Throughout the Day and More Serious Stuff too, Feb 13 and 14, 2021

on Sat, 02/13/2021 - 17:24

From the amazing Eve Wilson, see her inspiring posts on about love being a two-way street or flow...including loving oneself to allow more love in and to flow to others. That can help keep things in balance. I got a letter in the The Lakeville Journal of CT as and there are back issues available digitally via the Scoville Memorial Library too. Keep learning from the past to improve the future. Opportunity With Weekly Classes Online to Dig Deep and Get Inspired!

on Thu, 02/11/2021 - 21:12

Lissa Coffey just changed my world by hearing about her amazing journey over many years reading and translating the Bhagavagita...Yes, that 2nd most read and translated book after the Bible. Please learn more and see if you're called to do the course. I will share as I can since I'm fairly certain I'll jump in and commit to this amazing opportunity! Shout out to Women's Wisdom as well. I'd love to see more women enjoy a free meeting as a guest and especially those in Toastmasters join right up. Lots of great groups to join and enjoy.

"A Fire That Threatens to Burn Down Democracy," Those Impeaching Trump Spelling Out During the Trial in DC Feb 2021

on Thu, 02/11/2021 - 18:35

Hopefully there will be a transcipt available to all to review the points made by the Democrats and others during the Impeachment Trial that is being held in DC about the events of January 6th, 2021 at the Capitol. The overall argument that 'the invasion of the Capitol by a mob'  as described by William Barr was incited by  President Trump for many months leading up to the protest turned insurrection.
