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Great Inspiration Online and With Small Moments Throughout the Day and More Serious Stuff too, Feb 13 and 14, 2021

on Sat, 02/13/2021 - 17:24

From the amazing Eve Wilson, see her inspiring posts on about love being a two-way street or flow...including loving oneself to allow more love in and to flow to others. That can help keep things in balance. I got a letter in the The Lakeville Journal of CT as and there are back issues available digitally via the Scoville Memorial Library too. Keep learning from the past to improve the future. I'll share my letter shortly but basically it's about the Expo which has a page (and I hope to do one soon, but need to review the requirements and see if this blog would qualify or if I'd do the one on Just thought of that. I also have a so need to get my ducks and blogs in a row.

Our local longterm beloved Housatonic Valley Regional High School Principal from back in the day passed away, Ed Kirby, Sr. with a full obituary and a nice front page photo and article by Cynthia Hochshwender. Former teacher Woods Sinclair also wrote a tribute as have many on Facebook and online. Condolences to his lovely family and many generations of friends and students. I was fortunate to know more of his family even after being at the high school for a year and trust his loved ones in spirit from family and school and other connections are welcoming him home.

This weekend is a big one for the Salisbury Ski Jumps which may be broadcast live online, so I'll be eager to see what's happening there. There are 400 people allowed to view on site so keep that in mind on 2/13 and 2/14/21 for a real highlight. Best to all jumpers and their teams and support crews for Salisbury Winter Sports Association of CT! That happens to be my hometown too for the first 4 years of my life where my family lived for about two decades after living out West in New Mexico, so some nice coast to coast connections!

Chinese New Year started on Feb. 11th, 2021 and hopefully the good advice can be heeded but no one doing radically unkind or harmful things such as I heard of in the past of some not keeping their newborns if born in a bad year for kids...I will ask about that more, but heard that was a concern in 1993. Prayers of healing and forgiveness for any kind of harm brought about through 'believing too much' in something literally or feeling alone or punished if not doing something... that can happen in any faith, culture, relationship and more. I had seen a show on 20/20 about this person and will put the Wikipedia info here for reference. Basically someone's credentials for credit, education, and personal references and more should be checked by a few people so people are not duped, especially if the person is in a relationship or interested in doing so. See my Checklist for Guys and Gals posts early on in this blog and google other Basics for these modern times...

Paolo Macchiarini (born August 22, 1958)[1]:2 is a Swiss-born Italian thoracic surgeon and a former researcher on regenerative medicine, who became known for research fraud and manipulative behavior.[2][3]

Previously he was considered a pioneer in the field of regenerative medicine using both biological and synthetic scaffolds seeded with patients' own stem cells as trachea transplants, and he was a visiting researcher on a temporary contract at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden from 2010.[3] Macchiarini has been accused of research misconduct and unethically performing experimental surgeries, even on relatively healthy patients. Seven of the eight patients who received one of his synthetic trachea transplants have died.[4] Also, an article in Vanity Fair suggested that Macchiarini had falsified some of his academic credentials on résumés.[5] Similar accusations have been published in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet according to which Macchiarini's claim to have been a professor at universities in Hannover and Barcelona has turned out to be false.[6]

The secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or MedicineUrban Lendahl [sv], resigned in February 2016, owing to his involvement in recruiting Macchiarini to Karolinska Institutet in 2010.[7] Shortly afterwards the vice chancellor, Anders Hamsten [sv], who in 2015 had cleared Macchiarini of scientific misconduct, also resigned.[8] In 2013 Karolinska terminated its clinical relationship with Macchiarini but allowed him to continue as a researcher; in February 2016 Karolinska announced that it would not renew Macchiarini's research contract, which was due to expire in November, and the next month Karolinska terminated the contract.[9] After being dismissed from Karolinska, he worked at the Kazan (Volga region) Federal University in Russia,[10] until the university terminated his project in April 2017, effectively firing him.[11]

After a one-year medico-legal investigation, the attorney general's office announced in October 2017 that Macchiarini had been negligent in four of the five cases investigated due to the use of devices and procedures not supported by evidence, but that a crime could not be proven because the patients might have died under any other treatment given.[12][13] Also in October, Sweden's national scientific review board found scientific misconduct by Macchiarini and his co-authors in six papers about the procedures, and called for them to be retracted.[14] As of 2020, Macchiarini has had eight of his research papers retracted, and two have received an expression of concern.[15]

Here are my thoughts about the US Impeachment Trial so this is not about inspiration per se but about paying attention and learning best we can to improve policies but preserve freedoms...

Not sure how the impeachment trial turned out but got to hear both sides...reminded me of court in the past...what are they there to argue..what Trump said at the rally only or his intent overall for months. His lawyer argued only the former... so that may let him off the hook with the freedom of speech which political leaders have more leeway to use...interesting but hopefully something more people will be paying attention to and trying not to push limits of safety to discuss matters at hand...or prevent a vote count etc. The Capitol violence was crazy enough if police had been in place things would have been more deadly than they were..all very concerning for leaders nowadays and regular people too....

I'm rooting for one and all and trust people will make the most of each day in healing ways (a wild idea for many, but nice to have some variety in life if mainly in a hurry or filled with worry...) Let's Do This Thing Called Making 2021 Number 1 for a year of healing and rebuilding on all fronts for a promising future! Thanks for doing your part with heart!