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Do Your Homework and Consult with Coaches About Kitchen and Other Renovations and Projects

on Fri, 02/19/2021 - 21:19

 Who doesn't love the idea of enjoying a cup of tea and a warm batch of cookies out of the oven with a friend at the kitchen table?

Sometimes those simple pleasures are a luxury to consider if one's kitchen is in disarray or worse, disaster mode, not from a sinkful of  dirty dishes but from renovations gone wrong or didn't get up and running as planned....Maybe the only thing running were tricky salesfolks full of empty promises. These are the kinds of thoughts I am imagining having heard of one person's dilemma and thankfully her amazing program to help people avoid that downward spiral of misery.

 The site is run by Jody Costello (not related to Abbott and Costello whose comedy came to mind when I learned of her name... so I'll include that as a bonus at the end because this is no laughing matter...just a major 'problem pile up' (a term from the world of mental illness leader of NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness which may come in handy when coping with difficulties from the fall-out of any building or relationship problem or a more serious mental health issue in one's circles or even community.)

Now back to the clever, ready to remedy the unthinkable, Jody Costello. These are my own reflections after hearing of her site and great Bootcamp to help people Get Ready Before Launching a Building Project.

 She's one who could give Judge Judy some great tips I'm sure about the justice needed Before The Building Begins and All Along the Way to Completion!

Unfortunately, Jody lived through a costly batch of problems. Let her misery be your lesson to learn before you get in a similar situation that cost a bundle on many levels, practically, financially and legally. Always good to google references and get a clear idea with actual valid paperwork about someone's credentials and insurance etc...

Best to all in planning with support and seeing great things hatch out. If you sign up for one of her offers, please let Jody know I sent you her way too! Check out some pointers from too about feng shui and ways to help the design of your home and arrangement of furniture as well as colors and more help your home have 'good energy..."

PS Thanks to all good workers and companies and volunteers! Here's the Bonus info from wikipedia on the Funny Duo too, I didn't forgetcha!

Abbott and Costello, American comedic duo who performed onstage, in films, and on radio and television. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello engaged in rapid-fire patter and knock-about slapstick, and they are regarded as the archetypal team of burlesque comedy. Abbott was a schemer, and Costello played a childlike patsy.