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Let's March, People... Into a Braver, Caring Creative Community and Country Reality!

on Thu, 03/25/2021 - 11:52

With everything COVID blasting over the news and headlines for the past year, there's no denying people are 'only human' and need help from time to time. 

Taking care of others has been elevated to 'essential workers and even heroic status' locally and nationally and worldwide, yet caregiving basics have not been well understood or acknowledged as skill sets and legal as well as social and coordinated care arenas.

 Let's change that up whether 'at the border' (pick your border, but let's all be thinking with care and respect about those coming over the Southern Border.) Where are the

Head on Over to to Support Clean Water for US All, Animals and Nature

on Mon, 03/22/2021 - 14:30

"Today is World Water Day, a time to celebrate and protect our clean water, which is as crucial for birds as it is for us. But for birds like the Common Loon, the water they depend on is in danger." That's part of the news today, so find out how to donate (with funds matched) today and help the cause... Thanks for all who connect with nature in positive ways, learning from talks online (see, google other youtube topics and more. )

We could have a worldwide curriculum to learn about our home planet, basic climate and ecosystems, nature, people and more.

Thinking of Ways to Warn and HELP Each Other...especially those in need of safety, support and finding teams over time

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 21:55
While many know about to find help for childcare and elder care, there is a need for more local support in each of the MA/NY CT tri-corner states to help people find help.
Many people have serious or sudden needs for information and guidance to get their ducks in a row (technical term for legal and practical and even social support) but don't know where to begin or need H-E-L-P!
With many volunteer efforts for emergency help, running towns and non-profits and faith groups...why would it be so strange to help people who actually need basic support?
"Whose job is it anyway

The Salisbury Forum (at Full of Amazing Talks, Accepting Donations too! See Other Goodies here that are springing up year-round!

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 17:49

The Salisbury Forum of CT ( at ) is a gift to all for people to see illuminating speakers and often concerning issues explored intelligently. Scary in that 'once you know you are less apt to deny what needs healing' but moreover inspiring knowing 'we're all in this together' and pulling out all the stops like a race horse breaking through the pack to make choices to use our voices and make some noises about what needs tending to and fixing even though 'we're on the clock' by all accounts.

That said, check out and join in the learning and ways to support

"Planting Seeds, Pulling Stones, We are Made of Dreams and Bones" (lyric from Inch By Inch Garden Song) and Inspiration to Grow Together in Courage, Sharing and Teamwork!

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 17:07

Excited to have seen the District 53 Toastmasters Speech Contest. Shout out to our Southern Berkshire Toastmasters contestant Dave Panitz, amazing speaker, runner and natural humanitarian, in the humor contest (about Auto-Correct with practical tips such as to turn off that option (love that tip) or step away and slow down and review before posting...) I was going to be a 2nd back up speaker but really need to craft and rehearse my talks 'stay tuned and feel free to coach me.." 

See more about an open house our club is holding on Tues March 30th from 11:30-1pm, with official timely
