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"Planting Seeds, Pulling Stones, We are Made of Dreams and Bones" (lyric from Inch By Inch Garden Song) and Inspiration to Grow Together in Courage, Sharing and Teamwork!

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 17:07

Excited to have seen the District 53 Toastmasters Speech Contest. Shout out to our Southern Berkshire Toastmasters contestant Dave Panitz, amazing speaker, runner and natural humanitarian, in the humor contest (about Auto-Correct with practical tips such as to turn off that option (love that tip) or step away and slow down and review before posting...) I was going to be a 2nd back up speaker but really need to craft and rehearse my talks 'stay tuned and feel free to coach me.." 

See more about an open house our club is holding on Tues March 30th from 11:30-1pm, with official timely start at 11:45am and featuring Table Topics so all can join in speaking for up to  two and a half minutes on a given topic or one of their choosing...

Sign up info on the FB page or for free and you can visit a few times..but only 25 or so to register with the International Group then dues of 54 for six months, so rather affordable for the twice monthly meetings. 

(See how humor of using "Toasties" helps even take those first steps of inquiry... A first speech is called An Ice Breaker so it'd be nice to time joining and doing that (an intro talk of 3-5 minutes about oneself or an interest etc with when the ice is actually breaking).

That's my own poetic inspiration to 'go with the flow' and let the ice melting inspire us as some of the speakers shared today to 'be kinder and listen to others' to expand one's connection and sense of compassion with others, give credit and kudos to those in our lives whether parents, teachers, mentors, friends or others we are able to team up with, lending a hand or giving a second chance to help with ADLs, Activities of Daily Living, to stay more independent or get to appointments, share interests and causes and more. 

That may be a lot but that's the tip of the go ahead and consider signing up for and don't miss out on the magazines and overall program (and join our 'tri-corner MA/NY CT Southern Berkshire Toastmasters club, small but mighty and rather awesome for its few decades of skilled people (some who started the club like Will and Susanna Ryan are top notch still in guiding our progress and now Will does the Cable TV in that area, so check that out too!)

 Here are the winners for the Humor Contest: Laura Ferran (3rd), Dave Panitz (2nd), Sudharsan Ramaroa (1st.) Also for the International Contest (on any topic): Laura Ferran (3rd), Jonothan Moskowicz (2nd), Amrita Banerjee (1st). 

The next level of the District Conference is in May for the top contenders to compete (with runners up as back-ups.) That took a lot of planning and followed club level contests. I'll mention more on my blog, but also see which offers a free Pathway (a $20 value) for people signing up before the end of the month I hop on board and check out the amazing networking and savvy tips for running respectful, effective meetings.

 Here's A Call To Action and Way to Celebrate Every Age and Stage of Life (with others on my blog by the way and a request to network with me so we can grow community 
 like never before...the greatest comeback from COVID decline and isolation ever to date...) 

I think Every Leader in Every State, Town and Faith Group, Community and Family, Household, School, Workplace, Medical or "other" (Military, Scouts, Rotary..which is forming an alliance with Toastmasters) or other part of society and Childcare arena whether expectant parent or other caregivers helping out could Take a Giant Leap in Teamwork and Communication (including positive self-talk) to help one and all.. Okay best to all and see you on FB and maybe out and about in this amazing weather and lovely part of the world.

I have hopes of getting another Big Love and Inclusion Effort Off the Ground (again, from the past but time to reignite the energy more formally of the big outreaches I have spelled out for each age and stage of life with an eye of sharing info and wisdom, laws and voluntary guidelines to keep everyone in the game of life with a positive spin toward team and dream works...counting Everybody  In from 'Acorns to Oaks'...) Looking forward to hearing some affirming comments and getting some positive 'I hear ya and can pitch in' PMs... Please, pretty please..Thanks a bundle!