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The Salisbury Forum (at Full of Amazing Talks, Accepting Donations too! See Other Goodies here that are springing up year-round!

on Sat, 03/20/2021 - 17:49

The Salisbury Forum of CT ( at ) is a gift to all for people to see illuminating speakers and often concerning issues explored intelligently. Scary in that 'once you know you are less apt to deny what needs healing' but moreover inspiring knowing 'we're all in this together' and pulling out all the stops like a race horse breaking through the pack to make choices to use our voices and make some noises about what needs tending to and fixing even though 'we're on the clock' by all accounts.

That said, check out and join in the learning and ways to support such efforts. For more creative inspiration check out (and maybe purchase) a clock or other item from based in CT but also availabe in many gifts shops (way too many of which had to close their doors or cut back on inventory like this, created by inspiring artist Tara Cafiero and produced by late co-owner and spouse Peter Hill who passed from an illness during COVID times.

Here's a post I shared on FB and hope more people can promote local and worthy causes. There are many and rather than feel overwhelmed, let's applaud 'all efforts for the greater good and support of people's basic livelihood who also happen if able to be great community members, which the folks at Pink Cloud Gallery have been for decades brightening the northwest corner of CT, Great Barrington MA and New York City NY.

So nice to know their products with original artwork and made in the USA are still helping us celebrate the time and journey we are taking together! I Just so you know I am not affiliated with that wonderful business but am fortunate to have known them from back in the day and appreciate all of their talent and hard work as well as wonderful circle of family and friends.

Here's the FB post about a few of the great things in my community...What would you like to share about yours? Promote others on your FB posts and forums as makes sense and let's thrive together as the rivers flow with spring waters and we can celebrate all people, past, present and future whether family or others....

Eager to watch this replay. Thanks Salisbury Forum and all sponsors for these amazing talks. Also thanks to all donating and sharing to support such efforts..and to 'Help Use Words to Put Down the Swords of Difficulty, Danger and Despair and to Promote Hope and Helping Ourselves and Others in Balanced Ways..."(by Catherine Palmer Paton)
See more inspiring ideas and sharing of resources on and feel free to send some info my way you'd like me to share... Best to all with good intentions and here's to all having 'second chances to make amends even in one's heart to do one's part with flow and grace of forgiveness and healing on all levels...' much like spring is a time of renewal and fresh starts, all the wiser and more needed in these times to avoid crimes (even those one may not know are check out some pointers on about that .
I'll try to summarize in a handy dandy chart to help everyone be smart and be aware of choices in how we use our voices and ability to move away from a person or place, situation or problem even for a few minutes or more or not get into cars or around people who may be coloring outside the lines, under the influence of substances--legal or not --that may impair judgements, skills, and so forth.
We can all improve and take care to be of sound mind, have good regular sleep or ask for help if needing a ride or a way to think things through. Maybe someone can run an errand, make a call (even to help manage interruptions to get work or studies done such as turning off a phone ringer (getting a light to light up instead of sound or have calls forwarded, find friends for young kids who want to do zoom calls or have playground visits etc, a story read and so forth, set up a routine of going outside in the morning and a few times during the day to breathe fresh air and discover the magic of the morning and day and evening and even the night from ground to sky.) Okay that's a lot but inspired by hearing these are common problems that many miss in the hustle and delaying attention to small conflicts... they can loom large especially in times of stress and grief so that would be all of 2020 for instance.
And with the 'new variants' we all know there could be another 'reverse of societal functions' to more Unexpected Mandates and Situations. So no need to pretend we all know what we're doing. We have to have faith on a daily basis a wise friend shared long ago..."All of life is an act of faith." (Thanks Tara Cafiero for your wisdom and many inspiring designs of dog and cat clocks at I am reading The Oysterville Sewing Circle by Susan Wiggs and she mentions such a clock in feel you deserve credit since you invented them as far as I know!)
Great spring time gift and something every home, medical facility, nursing home, school if not classroom might have to show 'they conquered COVID challenges... choosing to use their time wisely and cheerfully!) Especially lovely to support Pink Cloud Gallery as the beloved Peter Hill journeyed on last summer, having sold the clocks in Brooklyn's Bryant Park for a couple of decades of holidays, a wonderful inspiration in the Big Apple and again touching and inspiring many lives even by helping people check in with how they were using and celebrate their lives and 'time we are each given'.
Hope this helps inspire people to visit and site and get inspired and even draw their own versions of a family of cats and dogs representing themselves, their communities and other hobbies and efforts. Together we can lean into each other's dreams and realize the world is comprised of teams and getting lots done with compassion and creativity from having conceiving and rearing offspring, to sharing the art of living and giving support and seeing one another safely through a life journey and back over 'the rainbow bridge'... Hugs from above with Big Love too...
Best to all...Catherine Palmer Paton and blogger at, and on too as well as Facebook pages Catherine Palmer Paton and Livfully. I'm open to help with getting a 'business' off the ground having taken a few programs and growing the efforts with networking and inspiration locally and online and 'beyond'...Many thanks and credit to all who've helped me thus far..Let's keep these great efforts growing, shall we?