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The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson on CPTV broadcast Inspiring, Modern Day Worries and Wonders

on Wed, 01/25/2017 - 02:42

When tuning into a wonderful program about the life story of Rachel Carson, I learned that she bought a home in Southport, Maine near the intertidal pools on rocks that became exposed during low tide. A narrator shared that she had access to the marvels she studied and lived' near the waters that could crush you on the one hand but also provided creative life forces on the other.' 

As I am reflecting on life events of family, friends and others in our community, the theme of the preciousness of each breath and of course each life.

The set of stories (real life experiences factoring into the

When You See Someone (of a different gender, race, class etc) , Do You Acknowledge, Say Hello, Smile or Look Away a FB Friend asked..

on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 15:52

Nice to know there's a fellow social psychologist out there...being curious and aware about human interactions, feelings, motives etc. I put a lot on my blog and this would be a good post to explore.

I love the idea of acknowledging folks and do it habitually Yet in many circumstances 'the less is more' idea may pertain since some people don't really seem to want that and can take it to mean a variety of things. Considering Gender (M/F/Oother) is important.. two fellows can likely say hi or nod, etc, as can two gals..

.The guy-gal mix can present issues as can ages, and overall

During the first days of our New Nation, for better or for worse..think of healing and helpers...

on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 04:03

The other day I heard a sermon on the foundation of society being reflected in a family...Two loving partners caring for a child (that's the updated politically correct version and there is room for discussion about the historical man, woman and child paradigm another time.) Nowadays it is the lucky person who can dream about having a child (their own biological one, or an adopted or otherwise one to care for from early on or over the course of time perhaps as a family member, friend or other connection.) Time, money, practical skills, support, groups and so on in addition to the wider

Quantum Women's Marches on 1-21-17 for US-All Around the Country and World!

on Sun, 01/22/2017 - 02:52

Congratulations to the Hundreds of Thousands of Women, Men, Youth and Supporters for Women's Marches across the country of the United States of A-Miracle! We are beginning to realize we certainly can organize and make more clear requests and demands of those elected to be our leaders, which is an honor and privilege. The numbers are only the tip of the iceberg-- 130K in Boston, 250K people in Chicago, and even more in Washington DC.

Drug Prevention Groups Can Help Stem the Tide, Let's Hope--Good Luck!

on Sat, 01/21/2017 - 03:19
The more people who say they are rooting for prevention rather than the downward spiral of too many looking away and being busy or hoping for NIMBY, the better.. the healing can catch on all that faster, maybe with some interventions as well to help remind folks of 'what's really going to make it reasonable to live with respect, support and progress.
' Likely we need an array of teams to help people regain or build basic skills and keep up some good habits (even ADLs-- activities of daily living).
Key to all of that is finding some friends and ways to make the mundane fun and
