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During the first days of our New Nation, for better or for worse..think of healing and helpers...

on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 04:03

The other day I heard a sermon on the foundation of society being reflected in a family...Two loving partners caring for a child (that's the updated politically correct version and there is room for discussion about the historical man, woman and child paradigm another time.) Nowadays it is the lucky person who can dream about having a child (their own biological one, or an adopted or otherwise one to care for from early on or over the course of time perhaps as a family member, friend or other connection.) Time, money, practical skills, support, groups and so on in addition to the wider circles of a community, town, state and country. 

When I started this post, like so many I did not have a pre-planned idea of 'where it was going', but I think this is about the right path. Time to reflect on our roots as a country and smaller sections of states, towns, families and friends. Maybe if we 'back track a bit' we'll recall how we got here. The other larger context for discussing the family was the connection among G-d the Father (or Life Giver), Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit. The sense of 'submission' was clarified over a few verses as one that set the stage of voluntary cooperation and a reciprocal relationship of care and provision. As Jesus submitted to his Father, so a wife and children submit to the caring, loving husband (or by extension) the larger circle of faith and community. Ideally the love and care could result in the Holy Spirit and growth similar to how a set of committed and caring adult(s) and the community can have and care for children. 

We have a more complex society with families too often sidelined and left in the dark and out of meaningful decisions that affect them. The laws that sought to protect 'a man's or owner's property' unfortunately have been entrenched in our society for hundreds of years that resulted in men owning women and children too often to their detriment. That is not how the Bible or even the laws likely intended matters to play out, but that is what has happened, often to society's detriment. There are a few warrrior spirits seeking to enlighten the society such as The Center for Judicial Excellence (and Barry Goldstein and Lundy Bancroft along with dozens of other skilled, dedicated advocates.) The kind of insights they have shared on Civic Research and on the web can shed light on many of the dynamics that have now flooded the media. 

While the situation seems dire, and likely is going to become much more troubling for many, some efforts such as may be helpful to review. The likes of Steven Greer is shouting from the hilltop to not give up hope but rather to insist on learning that there may be ways to remedy the hole we've found ourselves in with the oil-hungry greedy few forcing the world on their path. A main stumbling block is dismissing the rather 'sci-fi' reality that may exist just beneath our feet (undergound but also under the radar of the mainstream government and media.) Ridiculing the ideas and people who promote the is a primary reason they've been ignored since the 1950s. 

Take a little time and 'dream outloud'. Be open to considering The Possibilities for all people to be more of a blessing and part of healing equation. Each person likely has been traumatized as well as empowered over many lifetimes. Spiritually, each person likely is dealing with powerful options... to use their gifts and energy for good or not so much (or in a detrimental way.)  An important footnote is that if there is karma and many lifetimes per person playing out, it may be that 'we get what we put in' from one life to the next. So slowing down and learning to 'smell the roses' may be worthwhile. Learning to relax and not react without taking time to think and consider one's options is also a good endeavor. 

It's getting late for me, but overall, I hope we can do our homework and realize the political tensions (and many of the sermons being preached and passed along in various faiths and communities) could be important starting points and worth reflecting on by wider groups of people. We didn't get here overnight, and many strides have been made over the last fifty years. Steven Greer proposes that evolution has been set back a hundred years. Let's hope we can get smart and organized with all due respect to all we've experienced as a people in our respective countries as well as our world. There are key points to consider and then a need to accept new hopeful possibilities. 

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