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The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson on CPTV broadcast Inspiring, Modern Day Worries and Wonders

on Wed, 01/25/2017 - 02:42

When tuning into a wonderful program about the life story of Rachel Carson, I learned that she bought a home in Southport, Maine near the intertidal pools on rocks that became exposed during low tide. A narrator shared that she had access to the marvels she studied and lived' near the waters that could crush you on the one hand but also provided creative life forces on the other.' 

As I am reflecting on life events of family, friends and others in our community, the theme of the preciousness of each breath and of course each life.

The set of stories (real life experiences factoring into the lives of the family and friends of those who do the first-hand suffering or passing from this life, for instance) can speak to wider circles as we have time to consider them.

For our son Kaelan Palmer Paton, who passed at age 16 when trying to friend from 'crushing waters', his life and valiant efforts spoke to many.

Sadly a talented high school student athlete who became a more troubled yet competent man from Torrington CT died in 1981 when chased by a mob in Manhattan in Times Square. Part of his story was used in the New York Magazine October 2015 issue.

An article by Linda Wolfe also in the New York magazine which included an interview with his mother Mary Coury of Torrington CT, explored the likely use of drugs by Gerard, who attended Fairfield University for a few years, and some odd behaviors including some paranoia if high (according to a friend.)

His autopsy did not show signs of drugs or alcohol, and the cause of death was not clear whether a heart attack or being shocked by the third rail.Without clarification, his death is listed as a suicide since he was not pushed onto the subway tracks and supposedly reached twice for the third rail.

Reports vary however and the timeline and severity of his marked decline from being in New York between a few days or five or more days but answering questions reasonably 12 hours before being chased is not clear.

A more comprehesive review with modern insights would likely be appropriate to 'set the record straight'(or a bit more straight) regarding not only what Gerard was experiencing but also what interventions could have proven effective in helping him break the downward spiral of events.

Offers for support, a ticket and escort to get some evaluation for his health and stability, help getting back home and much more outreach to his family and other social services could have proved invaluable.

The "downward drift" of someone getting into a pattern of using drugs or compromising on basics can be shared more widely as a set of behaviors and conditions that a better safety network could help people not face alone or without consistent support.

The call and response of one man's struggle and the important warming of what can happen during a mental health break whether bullied or from a more internal mental or physical struggle can be incorporated into community responses.

Telltale signs of abuse for women and children (and yes, men as well) should be respected and responded to without further stressing victims or their supportive family members if possible

. Not everyone will be able to be saved, and there could be factors far beyond our comprehension at the time of events and even years or decades later. But it is okay to ask questions, explore connections, share among family and friends in respectful ways...what we need to try to keep in mind of a family tree health history, both mental, physical and even social, faith and economic to see 'what's the normal range' and be more alert to indicatons of imbalance.

At the opening of a storyhis demise was compared with the modern crowd gathering round the likes of the Sesame Street Elmo character hugging a topless or scantily clad woman who by choice was exercising her civil rights.

Taking time to reflect on what could have prevented the series of events that resulted in the man being robbed, stripped, harmed and chased when travelling through downtown New York on his way to Washington DC is something we can do even three decades later, or whenever we might get around to that. A google search of Gerard Coury in Times Square will reveal more details as well as inconsistencies

The lack of good record-taklng by bystanders and professionals is clear. This can be an important learning point to factor into more 'emergency or conflict situations'.

Write things down, with names of witnesses and their accounts. Ideally any minors should also be noted and their parents interviewed in terms of the supervisory plans (or lack thereof.)

 Realizing sometimes one story can speak volumes and become a touchpoint for many others may be part of the modern endeavors It is not too late to establish an acknowledgement of events such as what transpired with the loss of Gerard Coury in 1981 or Kaelan Palmer Paton in 2009.

 The seemingly unrelated may actually have more in common than would be clear even for family and communities to track. One youth dying amongst friends trying to save other, another perishing amidst a downward spiral of torment. To what extent could early signs and better outreach to all of the 'youth or group members' been a lifesaver?

What is required in terms of voluntary compliance for parents of minors and even adult children to monitor and abide by fair guidelines for outings or assistance for travelling, going on trips and getting help for someone in a difficult social situaion or at a time of 'heightened concern' (whether a change or challenge in family, school, work, mental health or a member of one's social group having issues.)Every person's life is unique and valuable to learn from and appreciate.

With the input of what is given to a child or family to grow and succeed, ideally more Early Support and Intervention efforts could be extended to Every Child and Family, Person and Pet and wider community.

Pro-active education and support over the life cycle would hopefully lead to more people voluntarily closing the gaps of information and basic paperwork (from Parenting Plans for All parents to have for their children in writing and shared with a few family or other responsible supports, to health care proxies and advanced directives if one needed health or even end-of-life choices made for them, wills and childcare plans even for teens, and ideally some support from friends or life insurance to bridge expenses.

With so many young families needing support perhaps more communities could provide help with basics like food, clothing and transportation appointments. Programs like The Chore Service in Sharon CT uniquely fills non-medical and non-personal care needs for elderly and disabled to live at home. Small communities can often network but someone may need to advertise the needs and options after they are identified and established.

 For the record, while many of his family of origin has passed, two brothers carry on bravely in midlife.

The show now is filling in details of Rachel Carson discovering a close friendship with a woman, the wife of Stanley Freeman, named Dorothy Freeman. They shared a love of kindred spirits. Over the course of 12 years, they wrote letters and kept in touch but only spent about 60 days in each other's presence.

The growing discovery of the H-Bomb, the drills for possible bombings were making the threat of war 'very palpable.' On March 1st, 1954, code name Shrimp  USA H-Bomb was let off. The explosion was very powerful. That happened over the ocean and on a  Japanese ship called Lucky Dragon. The men on board got radiation poisoning.

The fallout was shown to be deadly and devastating. The government covered the truth that the area beyond the bomb was toxic. With many tens of thousands of men having been killed in WWII so the risk seemed necessary and important. The level of toxicity was not clear.

Rachel Carson was motivated to make it clear that nature was at risk for destruction. She hoped to show the beauty of nature. She wanted to write a book but it got put off for years. Rachel had to raise two other relatives earlier in her life and then another nephew who she adopted.

She felt compromised in her ability to write further. She then learned about a government push to rid the country of fire ants with DDT in 1955. The WHO, World Health Organization, wanted to rid the world of mosquitoes to fight malaria as well.

Huge amounts of money went into pesticides, thinking they were doing something good for the world. Twenty million acres were doused with pesticides. The sprayed areas "wreaked with the decay of dying wildlife." There were 6K different products, some of which had DDT which could be sprayed on the grass when mowing or put in one's cupboard or in one's home.

The government did not test or limit the uses. The companies looked at short-term effects only. Some people demonstrated the ability to eat DDT without immediate harm. Thankfully, Rachel Carson kept raising the questions about long-term effects and the disruption of nature by human scientists.

Like so many critical issues today, the answers as to the safety of the pesticides "depended on who was asked." Thankfully, Rachel Carson did her research, discovering that DDT poisoned organisms and became more concentrated as it moved up the food chain. At the same time, resistance would be built up to pesticides.

The cycle would repeat with various pesticides. She did not want to see the unchecked use of pesticides, yet realized some use would be reasonable. In May 1958, Rachel wrote The Poison Book  which spoke to 'man the destroyer' of the earth.

She felt compelled to alert people about the dangers of toxic chemicals and links to illness and cancer. She made connections as well to the harm from radioactive fallout. The wide dispersion of chemicals and the injurious and long-term poisonous effects. Unfortunately, strontium 90 was identified as in some milk in the US and linked to many cancers.

Then a cranberry taint scare after they were sprayed at the wrong time. A $50 million dollar crop almost was lost. The government worked to cover the concern up with Presidential figures pictured consuming cranberry food and drink.

Before long Carson had tumors in her breasts led to her having a radical mastectomy. The doctor did not tell her she had severe cancer. She was denied the option for further intervention or knowledge about her condition

She had radiation treatments, staph and arthritis that made it almost impossible to walk. It took a toll on her creative drive to write.She did seek to finish her book when she got better. Silent Spring by lifelong activist Rachel Carson was completed in November 1962. Alone in her study, "Carson wept." (That echoes when the Bible states, "Jesus wept." That likely was the case as we know now how much harm has befallen our wonderful world and its people, waters, plants and animals.)

The summary of the program highlights can hopefully give some sense of what we have lived through blindly as a nation and world. We cannot afford to be ignorant any longer. Steven Greer speaks boldly on youtube about many promisiing technologies that can help us keep our world intact and people supported with energy needs.

The same conflict with profit-driven corporate interests abounds on a grander scale, with more of the world in peril than the wars, bombs and pesticides presented. The waking up of humanity is mandatory on a worldwide scale so the good people of the earth can enjoy the long-awaited good lives and values most hold dear.

More people appreciate the political struggles of many people.Most recently and still a major concern is that of the  Natives at Standing Rock seeking to protect watersheds from oil pipeline installations the mid-West of the USA.

 The time to turn the crushing tide from tears to solidarity and promise has come. Let us do what we can to make this a better world for the heroes who paved the way before us, including generous generations of good people and warriors and soldiers preserving our chance at freedom.  We have everything to lose if we fail and amazing prospects if we succeed together. It's time to start exploring options and asking questions (even such as What IF ones to help more people put themselves in another person's moccassins or situation and add their insights if not voice!)

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