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When You See Someone (of a different gender, race, class etc) , Do You Acknowledge, Say Hello, Smile or Look Away a FB Friend asked..

on Tue, 01/24/2017 - 15:52

Nice to know there's a fellow social psychologist out there...being curious and aware about human interactions, feelings, motives etc. I put a lot on my blog and this would be a good post to explore.

I love the idea of acknowledging folks and do it habitually Yet in many circumstances 'the less is more' idea may pertain since some people don't really seem to want that and can take it to mean a variety of things. Considering Gender (M/F/Oother) is important.. two fellows can likely say hi or nod, etc, as can two gals..

.The guy-gal mix can present issues as can ages, and overall demeanor. If the other seems somewhat 'open' to a smile or hello, that's likely fine.. but if they are looking down, away or otherwise 'being closed' it's fine to stay in one's own lane.

In an urban area, where folks are All Over The Place, it depends on the micro situation.. on a street with just a few folks versus many when attention needs to be paid to one's own path and so forth.

I find I make quick friendly encounters by holding a door for someone (especially at a group such as playgroups starting or ending when strollers and such have to go up a step and thru a doorway or two) or after a show when everyone is barreling Out of a big room

. Even recently in Salisbury CT at a gathering, I played a drum among the crowd at the 1-22-17 Women's March/ post-election event and many appreciated the 'greeting'. I let folks drum if they wanted, and encouraged some to drum just a couple hits along with me for their cause or to give it a try.

Then there was a call to lead the way (drumming..and I extended that to offer people the idea to march on the sidewalk for safety if they weren't up for heading into traffic on Rt 41, which was another option--one likely we should review and plan for better safety precautions.)

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