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Give Local to a Favorite Charity in CT on April 24-25th, 2018

on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 19:18 is the link to make

a donation to a favorite or

deserving non-profit in the Greater

Waterbury and Litchfield Ct area.

I will keep this short so you can hurry on over thar

and dig deep or pitch in as you can..many deserving causes.

Thanks a bundle in advance for your heartfelt

and helpful dough-nation!

I got to give to WOT, Walking Our Talk at a FUNdraiser

in So. Egremont MA at

The Barn (for Karaoke, Raffles and more)

 Bunches of great 'sisters' and funds raise

to help others join helpful caring

circles and network...woo, woo! Wonderfull!!

"It's a Pleasure to Know You" by Karl Williams sung by Caroline Paton, with thanks to all who've donated to her campaign!

on Sat, 04/21/2018 - 01:20 or (a bit clearer and more focus on music too) will bring you to a cozy inn in CT south of Kent near the Housatonic River to a music session. Sit back and enjoy a lovely song by Caroline Paton accompanied by a host of folks in mid-April 2018, some singing along on the chorus. Caroline and Sandy founded Folk-Legacy Records, Inc over 55 years ago along with Lee Haggerty. Caroline has continued to run the company since Sandy's passing in July 2009 which was a number of years after Lee's earthly exit.

For many folk musicians and members

Joan Zorza , One of Many Bell-Ringers of Wisdom for Greater Public Safety and Housing for Abuse Victims

on Fri, 04/20/2018 - 18:00

I met Joan Zorza whose writing can be found on a few sites including on HeinOnline (Woman Battering: A Main Cause of Homelessness) at a national conference. She and many in the field of Domestic Violence Education and Advocacy are true heroes for the modern population in the dark about dynamics of abuse. Apparently it's right before our collective eyes..and our eyes have been taped shut by our programming and lack of media coverage..other than episodes of violence against women and children which perpetuates the downward spiral, taking many down with it. 

Let's change this pattern to an

Waking Up to the World that Needs A Little Shaking Up (to Catch Up with New Laws and Realities)

on Fri, 04/20/2018 - 17:42

The world is waking up and shaking up...on many levels. What we do not understand merits more deeper consideration than the media or any other part of society allows people to ponder.

Much of what I explore on is to tune into the experience of learning about our society..however we label it..
"The Good, The Bad, The Ugly...The Hard Lessons of the Underbelly or Shadow Side of Being Human...along and together on our one small planet"

The questions can be endless but we need to Begin to Ask them and Document the responses to get a

13 Seconds of Silence at 10 am, 4-20-18, around the country and wider world & online

on Fri, 04/20/2018 - 14:07

Lighting a candle here in the countryside of CT in my Turtle Garden to remember the students and community of Columbine High School who suffered the passing of 13 students  beginning at 11:19 am due to the gunfire of two male teens, Klebold and Harris,  who then took their own lives shortly after noon.

I met a woman who had someone close to her have to flee for her safety after being beaten by a 'nice man who worked with many people'. That woman from the East Coast was visting people near Columbine High in the aftermath and was able to meet with one of the families.
