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Preventing Gun Violence

Over 4000 Americans Died in 2019 by June 6th ( 1944 D-Day 75th Anniversary):A Set of Reflections

on Tue, 06/11/2019 - 16:02

An article from the Washington Post read: More people were killed by March 6th this year than died on D-Day

A friend posted this news of how over 4K deaths occur from guns by June 6th, D-Day, in America. She then asked 'what are we going to do about it?" I put the following down yet also learned that the majority of deaths are due to suicide. Of those I wonder how many are terminally ill or very old feeling that they don't want to decline. (Note: I share many reflections on an array of topics as they came to mind, so pace yourself and read over the course of a couple of days maybe.

13 Seconds of Silence at 10 am, 4-20-18, around the country and wider world & online

on Fri, 04/20/2018 - 14:07

Lighting a candle here in the countryside of CT in my Turtle Garden to remember the students and community of Columbine High School who suffered the passing of 13 students  beginning at 11:19 am due to the gunfire of two male teens, Klebold and Harris,  who then took their own lives shortly after noon.

I met a woman who had someone close to her have to flee for her safety after being beaten by a 'nice man who worked with many people'. That woman from the East Coast was visting people near Columbine High in the aftermath and was able to meet with one of the families.