Skip directly to content and Great Domestic Violence and Custody Resources as is

on Fri, 08/16/2019 - 18:31

I found a link to a Washington Post story on "Gendered Violence" about research by Joan Meier a FB page for based in NH.  Kathy Jones has an important initiative and every state could seek to emulate what she offers. Same with which addresses custody matters. There are many statistics based on terrible if not tragic situations that more people need to ponder, from victims to advocates, the public and legislatures. Please Make Time to Learn about these pressing matters!

There about 1000 moms done in each year and 200 children by abusive men in their lives

Keep Going and Keep Growing Community from the Small to US-All

on Wed, 07/25/2018 - 17:09
It's special when people can find time and a way to 'get together'. The Cornwall School had a 'Gathering Room' (maybe the extension of the cafeteria or counting that in too..since it is nice to appreciate the social aspects of eating together not just refueling.)
I've often hoped there would be more ways to have some 'person to person' sharing in terms of making announcements, networking (maybe with a clip board available for people to list events with basic details or causes one is raising money for whether a non-profit, a tag sale, a 'personal request' in case there's room for barters or

Give Local to a Favorite Charity in CT on April 24-25th, 2018

on Mon, 04/23/2018 - 19:18 is the link to make

a donation to a favorite or

deserving non-profit in the Greater

Waterbury and Litchfield Ct area.

I will keep this short so you can hurry on over thar

and dig deep or pitch in as you can..many deserving causes.

Thanks a bundle in advance for your heartfelt

and helpful dough-nation!

I got to give to WOT, Walking Our Talk at a FUNdraiser

in So. Egremont MA at

The Barn (for Karaoke, Raffles and more)

 Bunches of great 'sisters' and funds raise

to help others join helpful caring

circles and network...woo, woo! Wonderfull!!