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Here's More About Staying Safe While Walking, Talking, Driving and Thriving

on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 15:59
Shared some of the ideas I have talked over with leaders in about a dozen areas in the past couple of months and which I've explored in the past year in The Lakeville Journal of CT...and on my good ol' blog which is chugging along.
I'd love help with 'all and any of the above' and trust that miracles are happening 'all the time, even when we sleep...". That said I did help two people stay safe who were hurrying across a crosswalk in Salisbury during a big fall event...and thankfully I saw the oncoming SUV and shouted for then to stop and get back..which they did.
.They were two

Saving You and The World Headaches About Homecare, Caregiving Qualms and Dealing Wisely With Upsets (mental, physical, social, legal) to save resources and funds

on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 15:27
At the Goshen Fair in CT, I saw these Democratic government leaders who are running again in November 2022 Eva Zimmerman and Michelle Cook at this event along with others...(not the Gov but maybe next time!) See more on posts in the past few weeks here on about concerns I am sharing with The Lakeville Journal about 'caring for caregivers and warning them that things can go awry one minute to the next with someone's physical or mental health or some other facet of the care scene.' This gives more details and hopefully can be on everyone's radar and agenda to pursue with teams of

Candidates for Defining Coercive Control in One Line (for a French ad why not the world?)

on Mon, 10/10/2022 - 04:01

"Whatever I say Goes!"

"Don't ask why, just comply!"

"This is not a threat, it's a promise."

"I don't have to say why, just do it!"

"Don't make me have to prove I'm right and you're wrong! Just do what I say!"

October is known as "Trick or Treat" time...and I have blog posts here on about how Domestic Violence and Coercive Control are 'like that', maybe a mix of dynamics where an person with more power and control over one or more adults and children (and pets) uses times of 'reward and punishment' to make people obey their every command, demand and 'request'. Is there

Donating to Beagle Freedom Project to help pets and people plan ahead for safety (and end of life care as well when needed)

on Sun, 10/09/2022 - 19:24
Thanks for donating to Beagle Freedom Project to help keep animals safe and happy! See more on about doing that in life for people too over the generations...sometimes 'it takes as long as it takes' and we need to slow down a bit more than we imagined to allow for understanding and shifts in our daily dealings and bigger choices too...
Here is some Bonus Info that can be helpful to review at your leisure or with a team of folks to explore more in depth over a few months or years....(that goes for most info on my blog or letters to the editor to The Lakeville Journal

Learning Lessons Over the Decades about Caring for Others and Recording Care Plans and Events with Accountability

on Sun, 10/09/2022 - 16:08
To the Editor: (Revisting the Disappearance of Tom Drew of Salisbury about the events of July 21st, 2007--two days as it turned out before the CT Petit Family  home invasion  an hour away in Chesire CT--which is now explored with theories and allegations by Allison Drew in the book Searching for My Missing Father, available online or in print.
I know that night I had wanted to issue some kind of massive alert that "one never knows what can happen one minute to the next in one's home, even among the normal folks in one's household or care to develop some safety and checklist
