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Finding A Way to Convey what Coercive Control is and to prevent Domestic Abuse by supporitng more victims

Candidates for Defining Coercive Control in One Line (for a French ad why not the world?)

on Mon, 10/10/2022 - 04:01

"Whatever I say Goes!"

"Don't ask why, just comply!"

"This is not a threat, it's a promise."

"I don't have to say why, just do it!"

"Don't make me have to prove I'm right and you're wrong! Just do what I say!"

October is known as "Trick or Treat" time...and I have blog posts here on about how Domestic Violence and Coercive Control are 'like that', maybe a mix of dynamics where an person with more power and control over one or more adults and children (and pets) uses times of 'reward and punishment' to make people obey their every command, demand and 'request'. Is there