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Close calls can wake US All up for safety step by step on the road and in life!

Here's More About Staying Safe While Walking, Talking, Driving and Thriving

on Tue, 10/11/2022 - 15:59
Shared some of the ideas I have talked over with leaders in about a dozen areas in the past couple of months and which I've explored in the past year in The Lakeville Journal of CT...and on my good ol' blog which is chugging along.
I'd love help with 'all and any of the above' and trust that miracles are happening 'all the time, even when we sleep...". That said I did help two people stay safe who were hurrying across a crosswalk in Salisbury during a big fall event...and thankfully I saw the oncoming SUV and shouted for then to stop and get back..which they did.
.They were two