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The Journey of Healing from the One to the Many and the Big World Beyond

on Sun, 02/17/2019 - 14:33

In response to a young mother who shared her recovery story in my circles, I wrote the following...and am sharing it here knowing we can all draw on one another's strength, wisdom and friendship.

Trust that many people love you and care about every aspect of your life, the struggles, the questions and confusion...the small choices about taking a moment to be grateful for a new day, a fresh start and way to respond to any conflict or need, any interchange that is difficult or challenging (whether an internal or external dialogue...we've all got 'voices in our head' about someone judging

Tough topics after Valentine's but Life-saving and protective so Why Not Now?

on Sat, 02/16/2019 - 18:41
The 14th Annual Battered Mothers Custody Conference is happening in Albany NY at the end of April. Along with CA Protective Parents Assoc. (CPPA), advocates have a federal bill US House Resolution 72 which needs to pass in the Senate.
This is like the Superbowl of legislative protections to help victims (mostly moms) have custody initially in a dispute or divorce matter when there is alleged abuse...not making it difficult for her to prove it,which can lead to many complications and harm if not death of one or more victims or too often (in the 6-10% of contentious cases) result in the

Hearing from a Greenpeace email that the Dakota Pipeline is not going anywhere. Donations to Greenpeace welcome

on Fri, 02/15/2019 - 15:36

 Time for updates on the issues that have been filling headlines with concerns and ways to communicate. Seems to me the Pipeline issues should have been played out in mock courts and discussions long before millions were invested and so much work was done. The decision of such major projects should not be left up to Natives or citizens to learn about and figure out ways to stall or block... Let's think about ways to learn and figure things out and save everyone headaches. Look up the details but the latest I read was that a court cased was thrown out by the developers.... 

Sending a Valentine of Love to Those Above...with the Big Love for All feeling and prayer for peace here and there

on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 20:16
For Our Son, Next Flight (by Catherine Palmer Paton)
I wish it were not so
Can't we turn back time
To sharing laughter
Placing your hand in mine
The time has come to part
No longer see your eyes
Yet we treasure your memory 
In each of our lives
Kaelan, we'll miss you so,
You and our crew beyond this life
We'll see you one tomorrow
When all our dreams will unite
May you rest in peace
Your spirit soar on high
To come into a fullness
'Neath the Creator's sky
You'll never be forgotten
Our hearts still beat as one
Yet as with wings you've taken flight
Your next

Remembering a Young CT Mom whose fall on stairs in a NY Subway Station will hopefully Move Our Hearts!

on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 19:25

On January 28th, 2019, a sudden turn of events claimed the life of a young mother. She was carrying her 1-year-old child in a stroller down steps in a NY subway  and fell. Authorities are looking into all factors about her health and the steps and what may have contributed to the tragic loss and major sounding bell of concern for all about safety. Out of respect for the family, I will not include the mother's name in full but reference her as "Ma Good", though it has been in the papers. Ideally funds can be raised for this family or have been. I will look into that next.

More news about the
