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Living Life With Safety and Friendship

Sending a Valentine of Love to Those Above...with the Big Love for All feeling and prayer for peace here and there

on Thu, 02/14/2019 - 20:16
For Our Son, Next Flight (by Catherine Palmer Paton)
I wish it were not so
Can't we turn back time
To sharing laughter
Placing your hand in mine
The time has come to part
No longer see your eyes
Yet we treasure your memory 
In each of our lives
Kaelan, we'll miss you so,
You and our crew beyond this life
We'll see you one tomorrow
When all our dreams will unite
May you rest in peace
Your spirit soar on high
To come into a fullness
'Neath the Creator's sky
You'll never be forgotten
Our hearts still beat as one
Yet as with wings you've taken flight
Your next