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Beyond the Ordinary Show with John Burgos a Helpful Resource for All

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 21:03

 Check out the site and FB pages for live calls and free replays as well. Can't beat that for a cheap cool getaway from 'reality, stress, lack of inspiration..." Okay sign up and enjoy the many talks, even read through the bios and more. See what Dr. Laurie Moore will share on Feb. 26th too and on her own site.

Another tip I want to pass along is the Resources of Audio and Video Library talks on Anytime sounds like a good time to consider what one's brain is up to or what could help one's brain function better for more health, calm and connection with others in positive ways.

Anticipation of events create Expectations..which can become reality

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 19:11 Jennice Villhauer

 Instead of giving up on making changes toward what you want, give a listen to her talk...She shares that we tend to predict what will happen rather than stay open to positive possibilities.. If someone says, "We need to talk" that can trigger expectations that then shape 'self-fulfilling prophecies'. There's more to that using the past to predict the future is common and habitual is something to keep in mind...when thinking about the future.

Ted Talks, Big Public Challenges and More Personal Ones..Lucy Hone by Christchurch New Zealand

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 18:12 "How we take our best info out of academia into real life" regarding resilience. There were earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand...Here are ways to boost resilience with the best info.Car accidents can be some of the harshest changes to face. She explores both, including from personal experience.

Family estrangement, divorce, mental health challenges and more. 'Victim support' may say it could take 5 years to recover from personal loss and grief (transition.) What she needed most was hope, a journey through the pain and anguish.

Many Thanks Marianne Williamson on Your Outstanding Presidential Bid and Present New Effort for National Conversations

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 05:49

The bad and sad news is Marianne Williamson has withdrawn from the US Presidential Race. The glad news is she is Still Talking and Inviting US All to do the same. She still has her website up, There will be updates and a conversation around March 28th, 2020. Let's show her and one another what we're made of, what we stand for and what we won't put up with. And let's get behind a positive set of Democratic candidates who can carry the vision for a more just, fair society for all Americans> Peace and light!

Lessons About Love and Relations (Hint, Emotions have Something to do with those)

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 05:45 A therapist and executive coach shares important ideas after a heartbreak of her 7-year relationship."Am I air, does the other person care?" Excuses for phone calls about someone not coming home night after night.

"Let's just make the best out of the evening we have' versus "You must be having an affair..." (even if not said out loud) Fear of an affair (possibly due to a prior experience.)

The same situation  evoking compassion may grow out of a prior experience.
