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Become a Certified Advocate with Karin Huffer with an Online Class for about $1100, Register by 2/5 or 2/10/18

on Wed, 01/10/2018 - 01:15

Well folks, I have braved looking up the info on a rather unsavory topic but one that we can all learn about in the name of Advocacy, Bravely and Consistently in 2018. The ABCs of 2018 will be about Awareness, Beliefs and Connections including connecting the dot.coms of topics that form a briidge of wisdom and support for the most vulnerable in our society.

With many decades of experience in the field, Karin Huffer coined the term "Legal Abuse Syndrome'. I have met her at conferences and hope to learn more about what she offers.

I could have taken this couse in the past, but don't know if

More NShA: New Shared Agenda: Rethink Everything (Part Two)

on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 17:14

Ever think of what would happen if one really tried to pull the tablecloth out from everything on the table?

Dishes would go flying, bottles of water would tip over and i not capped, spill onto the floor and likely everyone would jump back from the table!

What if something like this happened  when having fondue at a family party?

 Consider what could happen if someone thought it were safe to 'relight' the flame below the little warming pot and didn't realize something had dripped in the way of lighter fluid so that in a moment the table cloth caught on fire!

If someone were holding a

NShA: New Shared Agenda for 2020 (starting today): RETHINK EVERYTHING! (Part One)

on Mon, 01/08/2018 - 14:49

Good Morning from a 50 something year old person who woke up with a LOT of ideas to share. The list will be put ina few posts, starting with this one today-a dream about a baby duck hatching out at a kids' party and needing supervision so the little bird wouldn't get lost in the mix of post Christmas fun and visiting.

The homeschoolers hosting this party lived right near the shopping center in Sharon CT (not the Real homeschoolers in that area who likely have moved on, but Another my dream, who I'd known informally but missed the fact they were homeshooling especially That many

The book Fire and Fury that POTUS Donald Trump Did Not Approve Of is Making Headlines and Has Many Questioning His Mental Health

on Sat, 01/06/2018 - 19:18

After reading Drew Magary's account of author Michael Wolff's revelations of Inside the White House  as an act of journalistic bravery, I shared a few comments about along with others in a FB post about why other people who work with or know Donald Trump were mute about his mental competency to be President of the United States.

Drew Magary included information about how much Donald Trump repeats himself in meetings as President and likely in personal interactions.

There are small windows of legislation that might allow for a mandated evaluation, but those are not used even in light of

Homelessness as a Sign of the Times to Help One Another Stay Put or Thrive. Good News too from Gregg Braden in his new 2018 book plus lots more..

on Sat, 01/06/2018 - 15:55

The following is my response to a FB community page asking about a homeless man's well-being during a cold snap in early January 2018 in New England. Well, one idea led to the next and hopefully we will get an update that 'David M' is doing well enough. He's really proven to be an interesting catalyst for everyone to put a face on the homeless, elderly, mental illness challenge and what community responses are available and the least disruptive. 

Thanks for this meaningful discussion and basic human concern.
