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Become a Certified Advocate with Karin Huffer with an Online Class for about $1100, Register by 2/5 or 2/10/18

on Wed, 01/10/2018 - 01:15

Well folks, I have braved looking up the info on a rather unsavory topic but one that we can all learn about in the name of Advocacy, Bravely and Consistently in 2018. The ABCs of 2018 will be about Awareness, Beliefs and Connections including connecting the dot.coms of topics that form a briidge of wisdom and support for the most vulnerable in our society.

With many decades of experience in the field, Karin Huffer coined the term "Legal Abuse Syndrome'. I have met her at conferences and hope to learn more about what she offers.

I could have taken this couse in the past, but don't know if it was offered for credentials as it now is through a university. Please spread the word. I have a letter to The Lakeville Journal in CT which I will post here next week on Thursday when it comes out in the paper, the 18th of January, 2018. Perhaps you can share it with others online or print it out and post if for others. It can be shared as well without changing it. The Battered Mothers Custody Conference will be held in early May 2018. It is packed with powerful advocates from around the country.

The concepts are important and can take a while to sink in (it helps if you actually read a dozen books and spend the weekends taking notes, and absorbing important concepts.

I haven't had time to do as much advocacy as I'd like but I likely did about 50 hours a year of talking on the phone with agencies and change-makers..or potential ones, and Learning About the Systems that women rely on for safety and guidance...even while other agencies are setting up effective roadblocks to get out safely with their children.

Okay. Somehow I see a connection between This Travesty and the other one that could await any of us if depending on the good graces of others to help us have peaceful, natural passings 'when the time comes' to die naturally but with support for pain management. Remember that song that cries out..."You can't always get what you Want?" Well, that's the message about 'landing your plane' with care and consideration so you can disembark with dignity, respect and care from loved ones or even others in their places.

The laws and practices as well as the implementation of those 'ideal procedures' are sometimes a three-ring circus if not a court case in the making. Who needs That kind of commotion and confusion when one is trying to D-I-E peacefully with a sense of completion and having loose ends tied up?

Okay so one thing at a time. Let's learn about the challenges and opportunities to craft a capable response to what lies ahead and which in time we each will face for others and in due time for ourselves. It's an inner game of peace and acceptance as much as live fully and take restful breaks as you can, short, medium and long. One day, one month, one season and year at at time, All the best..and how about a moment of rest?


I happened to be looking at a facebook page which shared that Karin Huffer passed away from an illness in October 2018.

I have not looked regularly at such sites in a while so maybe there's a chance she was bidding me a heavenly hello. I was hoping to take her program at some point since I met her when she was first offering it.

There is always more to learn...This year I'll do some of the things I've signed up for online.

Right now I'm listening to Patty Lennon (online and in person coach) whose offering great free podcasts. Karin was an advocate for those with special needs (and challenges such as the stress caused by custody or divorce matters.)

Thanks for taking time to think of the advocates who have worked tirelessly for eons to make a better path for our generation and future ones. We have a lot of good work to carry on to honor their legacy and to create a better world for our heirs...and one another. Journey on in health and good company!

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