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The ABCs of Corona...and Lyme Disease (and other tick-borne conditions) so enjoy the Outdoors with Care On All Fronts, back, sides and head to toe!

on Mon, 04/13/2020 - 17:07

Here is an important extra resource to review while thinking 'All things Corona"... the basics of Going Outdoors needs to keep in mind the possibility of ticks, iddy biddy bugs than may carry a big risk if someone is bit and infected by a few kinds of bacteria many ticks carry which may lead to a disease such as Lyme Disease. See this site for more info

As for Corona Virus Disease of 2019 which is what COVID-19 stands for, look up more info online not only from but the New York Times which has disclosed many warnings went unheeded. has articles on COVID-19 Impact on US through the lens of CDC 'failure'

on Sun, 04/12/2020 - 04:18

Veryonique de Rugy of's newsletter shared disturbing facts about the spending and focus of CDC over the past decade...with funds that grew for instance from 8.3Billion dollars in 2004 to 11.1Billion dollars in 2018.

Of that curiously  I noticed the article mentioned a number reminiscent of the the date 5/14 (which happens to be the birthdate of Mark Zuckerburg of FB and echoes the Israel being declared the homeland of the Jewish people in 1948...and my birthdate as well which in this context isn't so great even though I have touted my horn about what a fortunate warm time of year it

See what sad news Greenpeace is Sharing 'while there's still hope'...

on Sun, 04/12/2020 - 03:50

Very sad to hear that the Great Barrier Reef is in big trouble. The following is from an email from so see if you can donate in their direction or help spread the word to encourage others to join forces (and funds) to make a difference while there's still time to do so! While it's the time of spiritual focus and renewal, we need to help heal the world and all her creatures. Thanks for all everyone does locally..and globally. Best to all and let's journey on with courage and growing inspiration!

"Terrible news for our oceans. Earlier this week it was reported that the iconic

A Golden Nugget to Help You Connect With Your Life Purpose (from New Life Expo speaker)

on Sat, 04/11/2020 - 16:52

Check out the Amazing Speakers on New Life Expo..which is online now and for the next few weekends...Guess What Their Awesome New Offer is? Not only the 12 dollar a day option but get the whole kit and kaboodle of Ten Days of Talks with 10 speakers each for $100 (the videos themselves so rather A-MAZE-Sing (something to sing about which is also good for the body and soul too by the way, just sounds or words...) 

Here's Tammy Adam's recent offer, so Check It Out! See a prior post about New Life Expo and their site for all the next speakers who have websites and often offers too!
