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Checklists for All Parts of Our Lives and Society in the Age of CV19

The ABCs of Corona...and Lyme Disease (and other tick-borne conditions) so enjoy the Outdoors with Care On All Fronts, back, sides and head to toe!

on Mon, 04/13/2020 - 17:07

Here is an important extra resource to review while thinking 'All things Corona"... the basics of Going Outdoors needs to keep in mind the possibility of ticks, iddy biddy bugs than may carry a big risk if someone is bit and infected by a few kinds of bacteria many ticks carry which may lead to a disease such as Lyme Disease. See this site for more info

As for Corona Virus Disease of 2019 which is what COVID-19 stands for, look up more info online not only from but the New York Times which has disclosed many warnings went unheeded.