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Turning 60 on Mother's Day? Me Too! Mark Zuckerberg's Birthday too

Greetings to All on Mother's Day (and My 60th Birthday!) I'm going like 60 now!

on Sun, 05/14/2023 - 15:02

A 'Big fish/Little fish mural in NYC) popped up on my FB memory so I shared that and this post with my friends... and brings lots to mind for about for you? It's my 60th Birthday today, May 14th, 2023--and for fun especially on this Mother's Day let me share my birthday with you and remember the gift of life we've each been given...and hope our mother's (and fathers and caregivers) are at peace with how that came about and the effort given by many to help raise (or rear) each and everyone of us.

A couple of stories about my beginning days as part of a large family are some of the first