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Protest in Grand Central Fri. 10/27 closed it for a while

If Going to (if Grand Central open if not in town already) See or app to get directions for subway. Many more reflections about This Time in the World- Please Pray for Peace!

on Sat, 10/28/2023 - 01:44
So FYI, if braving going to to consider ways to raise human consciousness and hear about
health and ways to connect with positive ideas and hear timely theories about all sorts of 'out there' topics that
could really help in these dire's how to get from Grand Central to there...Nice area near a park so
can catch outdoor warm weather too.
That said, wherever you are 'Think Peace' and let's hope the world leaders
and people the world over can address these times with more concern and new options for peace as we are all
connected and fortunate to have made it thus