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Caregivers in facilities and at Home Save the Day but not always an Easy Way to Work!

Many Thanks to CNAs and Caregivers who Help So Many...but some drawbacks to the job so 'be warned!' You are Not Alone!

on Sun, 06/04/2023 - 23:34

Thanks for your remarkable, caring work. Robots are needed to handle some of the lifting and who knows what else but who'd really want that? The human touch and understanding of many needs is light years away from what a robot or most folks for that matter can do especially longterm..and Yet, the job is not appreciated even by many of the patients (they need more patience and support since they have a tough row to hoe of being compromised with mobility and needing to ask and fine tune needs...just to sit up and eat or do basic things.

Having help with their interests and 'life' is not even on