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Pondering Big Possibilities, Anyone? How About there is a another set of Six Planets rotating around each other about 100 M light years away

on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 14:54

I need to google more about the six planets about 100 M lightyears away from our planet heart (Earth) that are rotating around each other that I read about recently in the 11/03/2023 issue of The Week (The Best of the U.S. and International Media) magazine.

Some people into their 90s have read this for eons and conquer crossword puzzles like some crave potato chips so keep in mind our brains do not just go down the tubes because we keep circling the sun....Hopefully we can be inspired by the idea of the planets rotating for millions of years rather consistently to trust we humans can also

Many topics came to mind after Sharing Feedback to New Coach I found on --ELIMJ Official of London in the UK

on Sat, 02/17/2024 - 14:51

For those who don't know about, let me tell you how I heard about it and came to have my own house on it for free. It's a way for people to talk in groups or record and let others listen in and discuss later (or on another house called Friends Of...) Mainly some get a lot of folks showing up and others are smaller but all helpful and there are Thousands of "houses' and rooms (sessions, some that repeat daily or weekly etc)

So ELIMJ is someone I hope to follow more.I spoke with her last year I think and need to get her real or user name again.

Group Facetime and More to Learn on Youtube (maybe create a link? That seems to work..) Consider the Bigger Group Thinks and Support too!

on Wed, 02/07/2024 - 17:31

Hello I'm learning from a friend about starting a Facetime Group...and she sent a link. When I clicked on it, I went straight to the Facetime call but was in the waiting room. By the way, I've learned a lot about networking on zoom via so if you're up for that adventure, I recommend it. It can take a few times of being in touch, filling in a form and such to be in the live sessions but it's all worth it.

From COVID Times to Middle East Misery Times, The World Waves of Trials and Downward Spirals so more Hope needed now!

on Fri, 01/19/2024 - 04:06

Hi to All as I hope to post more frequently here and on (A Catchy Name, Right?

That allows for other, as part of a group of blogs has a good post about our late teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton whose love, skill and miraculous life movie (as I called it in 365 Days of Gratitude 2024 with Donna Kozik book that's now on Amazon for kindle or print) can inspire many while the world seems to be going a bit more off course than on track for the Aquarion Healing and Greater Love that many say is in the stars, hearts and minds of
