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Many topics came to mind after Sharing Feedback to New Coach I found on --ELIMJ Official of London in the UK

on Sat, 02/17/2024 - 14:51

For those who don't know about, let me tell you how I heard about it and came to have my own house on it for free. It's a way for people to talk in groups or record and let others listen in and discuss later (or on another house called Friends Of...) Mainly some get a lot of folks showing up and others are smaller but all helpful and there are Thousands of "houses' and rooms (sessions, some that repeat daily or weekly etc)

So ELIMJ is someone I hope to follow more.I spoke with her last year I think and need to get her real or user name again. Meanwhile I did learn about from with Judy Foster (who I learned of from Deb Poneman when she had her series for about $99 if I recall. I also learned of Janet Attwood from her and took a couple of her programs including Sisterhood Planet which I hope to revisit.

So many programs, dozens really over the years, have factored into my journey so sharing a Shout Out of  Thanks and Gratitude to all the positive people I know and have learned from over my life time...and that's likely in the thousands since there are often a hundred or more in some of the programs I've heard from and when they share their story and get help and insight it benefits all of us. I've been to many church services and faith gatherings over my lifetime as well, again thousands at a few hundred a year, often with the same few dozen folks, so that's another mystery.

Yet seeing on TV and hearing how his initial set backs led him to get a TV station for  church in Houston and then over time had $100 million invested to make the huge place they have today reminded me that many people are seeking to join together and stay on a path of peace and respect. In America about half of the populations live in mega cities and half in rural 2050 many more people are predicted to live in cities for convenience and services (maybe medical and so on, which we have seen with our CT Sharon Hospital go through years of seeking to keep maternity services and women's gyn services available since some issues can be serious if not tended to immediately.

The nearest hospitals are 45 minutes away and sometimes patients are airlifted to them. I saved someone from dying from a diabetic coma recently by thinking to literally check in on how she was doing since I was keeping in touch but  had not heard from her the past couple of days. Turns out that was the case for others who also made the effort for daily contact but they lived farther away and did not have my number handy. We had meant to figure that out and a younger person with more skills and ties to each of us finally did put us in touch when I thought to look her up on social media. Others knew this nice woman had been sick with a stomach upset and not eating but did not think they needed to follow up and her phone battery was spent.

 As a diabetic that could mean insulin levels are not stable in the body (blood sugar levels need to be a healthy level, not too high or low in all of us but a diabetic can have a swing that can be debiliating, especially as was the case with this person their gall bladder was infected.That woman whose in her 50s and a caring member of our community could use prayers for healing and please message me if you'd like to help in other ways with my efforts which often have included helping others in material ways as well. I can be reached on my public FB page, Livfully or Catherine Palmer Paton (or linked Catherine Paton of CT on FB)

We do have good community supports overall but not much for individuals so hope more areas can plan to reach out to advocated looking out for others and being grateful when things go well such as with a timely check in or a save such as was made by our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton of CT, which I cover in other posts here and on (Remembering Kaelan...) and on which has a memorial service series of short videos from the uplifting gathering that was held a month after he passed in 2009.

I read what I shared in a group book edited by Donna Kozik called 365 Days of Gratitude 2024 (on 1/5 which was close to when Kaelan was born 1/6/93) in a video that is part of a series about our Falls Village Ct community that benefits the local library (which accepts donations gratefully as do our local Fire Dept and many non-profits such as Falls Village Congregational Church and Falls Village Daycare) done by Eric Veden on youtube. It will be available there after May 1st, 2024 so hope you can mark your calendar for that and any other days you want to remember (myself too!)

I do have a donation link for my own efforts also which I run on a shoestring of funds for any  who may like to contribute at

I have reviewed with many in our small towns how we should all have a buddy system and people with special health or care needs have an extra layer of advocacy for people to Check on Them (if they don't text, their phone is not working etc, to go do a physical wellness visit by a friend or if need be by the ambulance or possibly the police which may be protocol before an ambulance is allowed in. Unfortunately with the drug epidemic, this should be another reason to have standards of personal care and accountability to get people help as early and as soon as possible. That could be a national sport to help people stay on top of commitments and not take on too much to be spreak too thin to think straight or remember the routines for taking meds or meals in a reasonable way (and charting on a calendar with a check mark for am and pm or other details.)

 and couldToday I read a post she shared on (which I hope to learn more about for myself as well.) I left a comment on her post she explored how to handle grief with a sense of acceptance of emotions and support with close friends and family over time and good self-care. There was a bit more too and all laid out in a respectful helpful way. So here is the comment I left her and once I get an account set up to sign in first before posting, I'll include this or send her to this post. So can link to other resources someone has such as blogs, podcasts and even paid houses (which offers insight into along with other good resources and has affiliate programs...)

My Comment to ELMJ (and others who brave speaking about grief and even preparing for end of life and dying and helping others...such as Karen Wyatt on and Suzanne B O' Brien with which has great resources. I'm sure there's lots on youtube and I cover some of these issues usually mixed in with other topics...on my blog here on and and on public FB pages, Livfully and Catherine Paton)

"Incredibly Helpful overview of the muddied waters of grief and finding the shore of stability once more. The ebb and flow of feelings and steps needed to face and handle each aspect of healing is shared in a supportive way.A few examples (real or fictional) could also paint the picture to cope with loss and change in ways that could assist people about to face such turmoil or who have lived through it even long ago.

It is a therapeutic experience to have names for feelings and knowing 'it's okay to not be okay' (that may be a title of another good book on this difficult topic to approach and lean into...whether the end of a relationship voluntarily, involuntarily, out of necessity or other circumstances or injury or loss in terms of death, expected or sudden.

If there are elements of betrayal, confusion or wrongdoing even among people one has trusted (one or more and over time in handling twists and turns of each person's comprehension or interpretation of a situation or set of interactions.. That can be like additional strands of dynamite being triggered, reawakening sleeping monsters or becoming part of a war scenario of people taking sides, hearing rumors or spin-offs that may not have any basis in reality but become their own 'twilight zone' version of reality.

Something a wise friend shared is that 'each person is invested in holding a certain view of a situation, person and future steps to resolve or not resolve an issue or reframe a relationship with better boundaries--or not, to cut ties more and more whether socially or physically avoid or maintain distance (which can be part of a legal set of orders temporarily or longer for people who have been in a relationship whether as family, partners, parents, friends or co-workers or other people with a connection.)

Setting appropriate limits and being aware that while close caring people may be helpful they unfortunately may also be hurtful with their words and even actions, withdraw support or add to harm (kick one when one's down, speak against them when they could and even should be supportive in a court of a law or in other social situations.

People each have their own 'set of life stories, road maps and triggers' and people who have known each other better may have a more complex set of hidden grudges or fears that whatever someone in their circle is facing reflects on them, whether for better or worse.

They usually don't want it if it's in The Worse Department. Even if it is not happening in a current reality or even in a past reality, the bias and interpretation of words, actions and allegations can take precedence over 'the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... so help each of us with God's grace, universal sense of honesty and trust and consideration of justice.'

I explore some of these themes with examples, many based in reality with names changed or the situation referenced but not identified directly at times, but other times 'everything is under the microscope' to help us learn even over the years what may have helped prevent difficulties, danger, loss and death that was not in order with a natural life span..even allowing one a natural death needs discussing in every state and possibly medically-assisted death to help someone not feel alone and that they'd have to think of ways to end their own life if they truly feel they do not want to live due to illness or some other 'sane reasonable belief validated by professionals and others close to them...To not provide discussion and possible support for such difficult decisions and a supervised medical procedure is unfair and bizarre in this modern era.

Hopefully people would be guided to look at (and get your Human Design chart with Peter Roth or with Grace Gravestock (who just ran an amazing summit online I found helpful with the bonus workshops especially!) 

 Consider spiritual views that consciousness continues such as shared in George Ritchie's book Return from Tomorrow about NDEs, near death experiences. Many studies and reports are done that most people do not really want to die, even if they've attempted suicide. There is a hotline now in the USA by calling 988 for mental health support and a suicide hotline, or calling 911 for an emergency (Emerge and See!)

I have been blogging on and on for many years. I heard about (and the App which is most convenient though the hours can fly by...great for those who feel lonely or who want to share their ideas, but read their terms of service and maybe look at Discord, WhatsApp, Telegram and other apps and platforms, such as also as I hope to do.)

Some like Clubhouse which was highly popular and helpful during the pandemic to help people stay connected and meet others around the world, do business and coaching and more, has had many leave the platform and had changes made such that include they also owning the material shared and using it as they see fit for years to come...or something like that. So that's a huge difference one user pointed out and likely left.

I have heard of many who have helped companies make a lot of money but they didn't have the contract in place so they  don't benefit much if at all. So I hope to find support and make a way to not be left out of the loop should there be ways to benefit with my outreaches and efforts. I like to collaborate (I be in touch...) and hope to have a book done in a few months with which makes it seem easy enough. Worth watching his FB talk.

Also Donna Kozik offers a lot yet important to use her links to sign up for affiliate offers and such since that may be the only way to access some things even if you are in other programs with her. That is the case likely for many people and joint ventures and referrals are a part of the field now more than ever.There's BC Stack with Dan and Rachel which offer many supports from a few dozen folks that have to be downloaded in 60 days or so, There are many ways to keep working with others but important to keep track of what you sign up for if a trial that may need to be canceled to not be billed or rebilled. I did that with books thinking I would do something for a year (and LIT Video books) but got a notice I was billed again, so really as we get inspired to try things important to Write Stuff Down and go over it with a responsible person who can help one remember the dates and billing info. and other handy services have been tricky for me that way (a yearly or monthly subscription and again auto renew or buying more storage etc...) Better to find ways to store what's needed on flashdrives but need to keep track of those as well. Or download things to DVDs (or CDs etc...ask a tech person) and I have a lot of photos backed up that way. Paying for Apple iPhone and photo storage can be 10 dollars a month which isn't too terrible but maybe better to get use of a Macbook and download things on an external hard drive (again some people are very handy with doing that and finding friends who do it and are encouraging is a big help.

Someone who was very handicapped showed me that she had thousands (like 50K photos I think stored and many other things downloaded...) It's important to plan the legacy of such works with the right legal paperwork so accounts are not closed and things lost. That's another challenge but important aspect of the modern age. More good businesses could seek to help people capture the journey and memories, the important work and more. I heard a man who had been working on a highly complex set of formulas and such on his whiteboard..the last few steps to a long project and he died suddenly. The people who had access to the room to clean or thereabouts, wiped it blank without taking a photo or trying to copy things down. 

Another person I heard of that's been in the news had an important passcode (I think of numbers...) and he didn't write it down, keeping the huge millions of dollars or bitcoin etc out of his reach and possibly lost forever...) If it's hard to trust one or more with all the info, give half of the codes and such to one person or group and the other half to another.  The idea that everyone should have a power of attorney is one that many avoid or don't get around to it. Even if related or married there may be need to prove one can have access to certain things.

A person can have Two power of attorneys who both have to sign things and manage accounts etc of it can be that either can, with one being primary for instance. Maybe more people could encourage even independent POAs to voluntarily work with another person to not make mistakes and to do things in a timely manner such as pay credit card bills to avoid penalties or higher interest etc. There's more for me to think though here but I'll continue the next part of my post on another thread to wrap this one up with a bow for now. Peace and more sunshine and calm and love and forgiveness coming into our heart chakra is a way to increase and connect with positive flow in our lives on all levels is what many share including who gives a free or by donation Saturday morning meditation 8:45 am to 10 am  and also one on Thursdays which I hope to learn more about soon. See for more info and hear the many interesting enlightening guests on the podcast hosted by the illustrious wonderful Peter Roth, on EnergyStew.