Big News from the 13th National Mothers Custody Conference–See Resolution 72
While we have many things to tend to when it comes to rearing The Next Generation as a Society from maternal health and infant and child care whether at home…
Exploring Great Ideas and Sharing Info With Lucky You!
While we have many things to tend to when it comes to rearing The Next Generation as a Society from maternal health and infant and child care whether at home…
This response to a talk about composting coming up in Sharon CT on June 30th, 2018, got me thinking of some ‘heads up’ tips to be safe and practical first…
Dear Northwest Corner of CT, and Tri-Corner MA/NY/ CT Residents and Visitors, Our area has sadly been through the difficult unexpected violent loss of five people. Apparently one disturbed (and…
In the course of learning about the miserable uphill battles many protective parents, generally mothers, may face in gaining custody of their minor children face, I attended the Battered Mothers…
“Mothers Risk Loss of Custody in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations” by Attorney Joan Meier and others important for all states to clarify these pressing matters and make…