To Whom It May Concern or The Editor:
Current headlines are detailing outcomes from the tragedy of Eric Garner being put in a choke hold by one policeman, who had recently been dismissed from his job, with others present five years ago. Everyone can take a moment of silence and consider how ‘one man’s life moved the nation,particularly with the the banned choke hold resulting in him calling out 11 times, “I Can’t Breathe!”
The efforts of his family, including his six children and particularly late daughter Erica who was a vigilant advocate as is his mother Gwen Carr, and his well-spoken daughter Emerald as well as his grandchildren and other advocates can be heralded as a team seeking answers for our country on many critical issues. This post explores many aspects with some ‘tangents’ which I have written today. But first that moment of silence and interest in healing on all levels and for all involved. There is plenty on google to review events, and that may be helpful to do so first.
I am writing this on Tuesday, August 20th, 2019, having read about the recent dismissal of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo who had served for 13 years. He will not at this time be receiving his pension either. The accounts of what actually happen have varied yet the video is one that was shared widely online. Two police officers were gunned down in their patrol car by Ismaaiyl Brinsley who cited the death of Garner and Michael Brown, before ending his own life by gunfire in a subway.
Eric Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, is calling for the others who were witnesses and participating in the take-down of Eric, who was 43-year-old father of six selling less than 100 cigarettes (not the 10K that supposedly was the basis of sending the officers out to arrest Eric, which he resisted.)
Does Eric Garner’s sense of betrayal by police and desperation of calling out, “I can’t breathe” remind anyone of Jesus on the cross calling out, ‘Abba, Abba, Why have you forsaken me?’These kinds of unexpected turn of events in our modern world with many mandates from on high being carried out with little supervision puts many in danger. More people need to feel clear about who is in charge and what kind of help is needed to maintain respect and safety.
The kinds of backlash and concerns in the past five years need to concern many more aspects of every neighborhood from the grassroots on up.
Even having parties and festivals, such as what happened during a longheld traditional West Indian festival around Labor Day in 2015 resulting in the loss of Carey Gabay in to gang gunfire (some who were supposedly firing in self-defense and accidentally hitting Mr. Gabay, who worked in NY state government.
The kinds of responses from his family and the state can echo the respect needed for all victims of violence. More recently there are clear needs asking for a million dollar investment to prevent gun violence annually in NYC.
The police advocates are saying “Mayor De Blasio was declaring ‘justice for the family’ early on and leaving the actions of the police suspect before a thorough investigation.
With the federal investigation running for five years, right up to the time of the statute of limitations, not finding the officer guilty of a crime was announced recently. There was some indication that Pantaleo would have his pension guaranteed for his wife and child if not himself, but then there were changes made and that was off the table.
The rules and instructions of the police department are set by leaders and the police are beholden to follow those. The police advocates are voicing concerns that their authority to act as trained has been undermined, and that every time they put their hands on someone they could be called abusive or criminal.
They feel that Mayor De Blasio has ‘run them over with a bus then backed up and run them over again.’ There seems to have been a ‘reversal of offers’. Likely everyone should have been helped to have their statements and reasonings transcribed so they could be referenced line by line. That would be any concerns, reasoning, video footage (with written descriptions and assessments by each party weighing in whether there was a choke hold or other banned maneuver.)
Some say there were a few seconds that were in serious question but that Daniel Pantaleo basically followed set training. There were others present and whether they saw things differently or actually lied or doctored what they said to get a certain outcome all needs exploring. The reasoning for Daniel Pantaleo’s firing and loss of pension should be spelled out line by line so that other police officers and the public as well as the families all can comprehend the factors and reasoning.
The Grand Jury did not find there was a crime committed ‘with sufficient evidence.’ This case is costing many millions and drawing the nation together. Ideally every person would hold themselves to a higher basic standard of behavior and not add to the sense of fighting in any vigil ante or consider the legal system as a reasonable way to get justice.
We need to take many strides forward on domestic abuse, child abuse, and yes Black Lives Matter and more international concerns as well. There are not appropriate systems monitoring the many crises people are living in and addressing root causes.
Over 35 million dollars has been invested in retraining police, some say to ‘no avail.’ Pat Lynch, a police advocate who sides with the actions of Daniel Pantaleo who shared that it was a tragedy but that he was doing his job once sent out to do a job (including arresting someone, then taking measures if someone resists arrest.)
From the video I watched again later a man videotaping Thankfully (what a hero!!) what happened said that Eric Garner had broken up a fight and ‘this is what he’s getting for it, harassment…’. Eric says he wasn’t selling anything and that he didn’t want them to be near him. He often asked them to leave him alone and just let him be.
There should be (and likely is I imagine) a transcript of everyone’s exact words, particularly if someone is being told clearly and firmly and repeatedly that they are under arrest and need to not resist or further force or actions would be taken. As people are realizing ‘once something is set in motion, making a commitment to insisting hands are put behind someone’s back or up, etc and cuffing someone, then that becomes the mission at hand.
Reasonable force or maneuvers to get someone to comply are not clearly understood by the general public. Various laws and practices can be applied in different areas even in the same state or city. The idea that ‘the rules of the game can change one set of words or actions to the next’ and ‘police act to keep their own safety in mind and that of the person(s) they are arresting or subduing are important points for more people to hear and practice with safe, trained people (and no real physical interactions or any kind of real weapon.)
There are community- police training programs trying to bridge the gaps and help people see what kind of training (gruelling and like the military in ways) police recruits go through from the start. The element of ‘surprise’ and not being informed about what could transpire may be seen as an advantage but many people can be shocked or hurt physically by sudden moves and holds, or other forceful actions.
That there are limits and some kind of accountability (with partners, supervising parties and so on) are important in practice as well as in theory. Not doing one’s job or going outside the parameters of one’s approved responses needs clarification. The consequences and potential other ramifications (new laws making assaults or unintentional harm criminal for instance) are being discussed.
Likely if more of the public had been going through regular educational and role-playing sessions (or seeing videos of where we are now and where we could be to improve outcomes for all parties) then we would not be as confused and harmed and facing the dire results of such actions and deficient options for timely responses.
Mr. Lynch said however that the job of the the NYPD is ‘dead’ in terms of not having the backing of authorities if they do their job. He said the police feel at risk to lose their lives or their jobs possibly for doing their jobs, or even not doing them (being humiliated and attacked just for being police officers.)
There is actually a lot to consider about the basis of ‘beating the devil out of the child’ as the roots for much child abuse endorsed or promoted (unintentionally possibly but again with much room for modern day consideration and correction since there was a booklet distributed far and wide for a 100 years to not spare the rod and spoil the child…and worse.)
Some modern ‘tough or religious or otherwise fundamental parenting draw on a longheld cultural or religious philosophy that it is better to harm a child physically than let them get into a spiritual dire situation (in their view, on their terms. )
This might include having sex before marriage or outside of the marriage contract (which by the way could use A Lot of Actual Practical Discussion for all parties concerned…what are people signing up for..many have pre-nups but in general many may have Not Discussed Anything of Importance like intimacy terms– what, when, where, how and how many times etc over the course of a day, week, month, year, if one is not feeling well, is pregnant or had a child and much more.
Even in America where ‘everything is out in the open’ most of the important stuff is kept under wraps even in general terms and from medical people who likely ‘can’t or won’t weigh in on that topic since they are not trained or otherwise allowed to do so.’
That leaves the ball back not in ‘everyone else’s court, but mostly in everyone who makes the media and decisions, so Not in the Women or Youth’s Court…and many Men are also left in the dark about what questions and boundaries would be important to clarify emotionally, socially, physically, sexually and many other ways Before being involved with someone.
For people in relationships even with kids or for many years, this may be a lightbulb moment and discussion. “How Did We Get to Where and What We Are Now? Was there pressure, was there a set of circumstances that took over?
Did we even know we Could or Should Clarify some Basics?!’ Likely a bunch of ‘Huhs? and No Clue would be the answers for people over 45…so that’s a lot of questioning. Plenty under 45 also likely are wondering, so “now what?”
The idea of an ‘annual review’ of where one is in life may be familiar to some looking at their finances and next short term goals, and if not married or in a committed relationship of some other agreed upon future duration (for a few years, maybe 5 or even 10 etc) then there can be a sense of ‘not sure where or how to begin’ asking questions. That’s okay, many people find themselves in that boat if served divorce or custody papers, or otherwise find out someone in their life sold their things, even their home.
So much needs clarifying. But this post was beginning to introduce the idea of teamwork for those who could use some guidance not doing too many serious things early in life, as teens or young 20 year olds, and finding themselves in the system of jail, parole, probation, or fines and community service, or otherwise needing to find solutions to get back to some kind of normal basic life with support and accountability built in.
Everyone benefits from that kind of basic set-up although finding the right mix of trustworthy competent people can be a challenge for plenty of folks. Then there’s an ‘age wave’ coming that will really up the need for more people to help one another, often those over 65 or more, but that help would be good to have before one turns 60 say at age 55 to plan economically and otherwise accordingly in terms of owning assets versus having use of them (yes, including a home and other assets. )
This suggestion is not to promote doing anything illegal but rather to do things wisely with advanced planning to get as many advantages as possible. More to follow as I find time but will post now… with the original post continuing about accessing valuable resources online and in local hubs and with networks.
I hope many find this blog helpful in terms of letting ideas flow and consider many aspects and links to other times and concerns. Learning from the past helps us not repeat difficulties (without realizing it or wanting to for various reasons..)
Reviewing the recent country’s history during this time of anticipating the next US Presidential election can remind people of the concerns raised by Black Lives Matters, the predicament of all people in the United States whether here legally or particularly if here illegally.
More aspects of society clarifying what rules pertain to each aspect of public and private lives are finding a way to ‘make everyone accountable for their words and deeds, agreements and actions on many levels.’ Parents and youth are often in the spotlight due to not meeting ‘care standards’ or for many kinds of neglect, conflict, lack of healthcare, housing or social skills.
The Lionheart Foundation has been offering important grassroots programming to help communities strengthen their resolve and ability to help those vulnerable to ‘circling the drain’ or staying in patterns of conflict and violence.
They have many programs the country could implement on personal or more societal levels, Ideally more faith groups and schools would integrate the kinds of help and support they promote.
Libraries could possibly make some of their books and materials available as well. That would also be the case for parenting libraries at schools and public places to encourage more people to take the job of parenting as an important aspect of our society, economy and future well-being, Most parents wanting to help their youth succeed welcome help and programs, so ways to fund resources and practical needs could be a shared endeavor.
The idea of parents alone supporting youth stems from parents ‘owning children’ much like women were owned by their fathers or husbands in days of old. We need to be practical and use resources wisely.
That would mean investing more in the care of pregnant women and expectant fathers , nurturing children from infancy onward and promoting free daycare year-round and all day and night.
The reality is ‘it’s needed’ and a valuable investment on every front. Parents could be coached to learn more techniques for finding life-work-childcare and relationship balance with checklists to get regular physical, dental and even mental health check ups and find free support online and learn of ways to ‘get more done with less effort and greater appreciation’ from their community and our country.
These times are ‘heating up’ on many fronts, so all team players are needed to stay in the game of life and shared success and even cooling the planet down. Simple things like learning to breathe deeply, relax by saying that word slowly with one’s eye’s open or closed (if that is safe to do, such as when not driving, ) learning to take breaks when driving and pacing oneself throughout the day, week, month, season and year all makes good common sense. Thanks for considering these ideas and resources with many more listed on
More public gatherings have been held over the years since Eric Garner died in a very concerning and tragic manner, whether due in large part to his compromised health and the harsh treatment of having his life accidentally or intentionally ‘choked out of him’ by one officer as other officers watched.
A minister speaking at a gathering with Eric Garner’s mother Gwen Carr is calling to put the system on notice. He is saying the Mayor’s job is not done, calling for a ban on the choke hold today. He is encouraging advocates for Eric Garner and public safety to go to the states to have a criminal limit set so that police do not commit crimes behind their badges.
The minister is calling the terms for Eric Garner’s ’cause for arrest’ as highly questionable. He is advocating for a new Grand Jury to fire all of the officers who were present that day, witnessing what was happening to Eric Garner.
He says that Police Commissioner James O’Neill exercised courage that many other leaders failed to exercise by firing Daniel Pantaleo. Keeping the movement alive and progressing is a joint effort, including leaders for police reform.
Look up more online and be part of this important historical time. There is a lot that needs serious consideration which affects the city, the state and the entire nation.
Another advocate clarified that the CCRD and mother of Eric Garner with the support of New Yorkers who got Daniel Pantaleo fired. Initially Mayor de Blasio and James O’Neill could have fired him long ago, but did not do so. Also there is a call to investigate the other police officers witnessing and allowing (if not condoning or minimizing or insulting the passing of Eric Garner such as in a text that read ‘No big deal,” if Eric Garner was DOA, Dead On Arrival.
This turn of events playing out as it has in a major city, Staten Island (which could see future legal repercussions as well an advocate said,) in America with many in the world concerned and watching is a major development many causes can join together in to help clarify all that transpired.
Enumerating the wrongdoings at every level, considering the What If (even if it had been an accidental death from something other than a choke hold related take down maneuver and held too long,) the pattern of profiling and the injustices against African Americans for generations, the idea of reparations, the legacy of Barack Obama becoming President, the reality of the Trump Administration playing out as it has to benefit some and leave many others compromised if not punished, and these times of electing the next President and many states and communities needing to clarify and set meaningful priorities and policies to promote safety and respect for a functioning society is a shared endeavor.
Many weighing in from around the world, various metaphysical and spiritual traditions and practices, social and cultural values and much more could prove a healing balm. We need a national clearinghouse and think tank much like the Battered Mothers Custody Conference has brilliantly and steadfastly organized to educate and enlighted the courts in America about gender bias against women, the dangers of abusive men (often many in the police or authority positions, but in many lines of work and economic and cultural aspects of even advanced societies.)
The victims of many forms of abuse and crimes are needing to be recognized. The abusers and wrongdoings need to be enumerated and have more public education about them so that people are not trained to ‘look away, blame victims, allow injustices to flourish in the courts and much more.’ Women helping women and men holding others accountable would be a good start.
All women should be looking out for children’s rights as well. Good guys and otherwise specified gendered people can definitely join in these timely causes. Ignoring them is no longer an option. It’s not all that different from climate change concerns, which again we are being duped into believing ‘isn’t a pressing problem or one normal people should care about.’ Couldn’t be more wrong about such things..but we tend to do what works for the short-term and like to believe what the media tells us is the status quo… So here’s to everyone really considering all aspects (and yes, reading through a few more of these posts to explore where only the brave, creative, caring souls dare wonder…)