is the youtube talk by Daniel Amen…so check out this talk on what people have learned from seeing 80K plus Brain Scans… I am skimming through this and am not endorsing or promoting it…just sharing the info. Always check with professionals and get second opinions on any procedures and so on. He gives important information about not using drugs to avoid brain damage done by drugs.
Also he shares that Alzheimer’s can begin with changes in the brain 30-50 years prior to the symptoms presenting in more obvious ways. Check the information out more thoroughly by taking notes and talking over with others. He does disclose that ‘psychiatrists don’t look at brain imaging’ as a regular part of their practice. He has a lot to share about ‘disorders of the brain’ that could have the same symptoms but have different things going on in their brains. He asserts that ‘treatment needs to be tailored to brains.’
Traumatic brain injury symptoms such as trouble sleeping, having temper tantrums and many other ‘concerns’ there could be important brain rehabilitation needs, not just behavior therapy or medications. Good luck being an advocate for yourself and others regarding all of these ‘gray areas.’ The importance of assessing the function of brains is critical for the returning soldiers from war. More research is being done on those who have committed violent acts by studying and treating brain functions. This kind of therapeutic response could help people amend their lives.