Before I snooze after a day of adventures, I will record my day ( a few aspects thereof with some amazing insights just before I started writing this.) I’ll start with that bit of news: “The Earliest Images of Christ are On Display at NYU” headlines read in New York City Friday, September 20th, 2019 on East 84th Street.
It’s worth looking into the language used to describe Jesus from various traditions, but that is not part of the exhibit. I was thinking if they are images of Jesus before he was baptized (not a scholar here but one of these is referenced by Jehovah Witnesses and possibly others to distinguish When Jesus became the Christ…which I think means the anointed one so like I say…time to do more research though it’s about the naming of someone and doesn’t change what really happened, then they likely should be referred to as of Jesus.)
I did look up a bit online and the word from one dictionary states that Jesus can stand for Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God and so on interchangeably. However the points I made may be helpful to people in general to consider still as well.
. If they are depictions of him after he died on the cross, then that would be more accurately the time of him being ‘the Messiah’ or the Christ.I really would like to help clarify this ‘time line’ for myself and of course others. The point behind this blog is to share ‘one person’s processing of a lot of information that seems important, inspiring or otherwise of value.’ There is a concert at Trinity Episcopal Church in Limerock CT on Saturday, Sept. 21st, 2019 at 6pm. Evensong on the feast of St. Matthew that is another gem of news.
Earlier this evening I met two women from a college in Great Barrington MA who I had met at a church service a few months ago (afterward during the potluck,) That we recognized each other was an accomplishment as well.
A few minutes later after getting gas in my car, I was about to pull out onto Route 7 only to see another person and their family pull into the Big Y (I have a post called The Big Why by the way), and got to visit with them for a few minutes which reminded me our ‘chance encounters’ strech back over a decade, one with a close call in a car together..which thankfully was averted because I was not in a hurry even when told I could go directly across an intersection rather than go down a block and take a left. There was a poor sight line, and by waiting a moment a car emerged ‘out of nowhere’. That place has now been rerouted so the entrance isn’t so dire.
I had time to reflect with a friend whose had two children in the past two years about the special places in Great Barrington with places like Crystal Essence, Sruti Yoga Studio (which has since moved where Gypsy Joynt used to be in the downtown area). Sruti offers many programs. I got clicking pictures of the many programs at Crystal Essence and about town. I will make time to list more tomorrow, but trust there’s always plenty going on.
The Toastmasters meeting had a theme of ‘care partnering’ (not just care taking or giving… but that sense of we are all on a journey and when caring for people there is an exchange. One helpful idea was for people to make a plan for themselves about what and how much they feel they could do, set some boundaries (even if a person has dementia, and basically have a team approach as much as possible.)
That’s more than one idea, but the list would likely grow quickly just with revieing who one has helped in one’s life, who one has learned from whether taking care of someone or having had a mentor or someone they’ve admired. It’s all part of the ongoing life learning process.
One person misspoke saying we learn from our past lives. The grammarian noted that the speaker likely meant ‘from past life experience, not that we had many lives. I actually thought she meant to highlight that our life experience this time around is informed by previous I was really enjoying her insights. Sometimes ‘more than one message is being delivered.’ Our Table Topics was ‘who is someone you have learned something from, as a mentor or other role model or person in one’s life…”
Can you believe even though I started speaking of Karen, of, that I ended up sharing a bit more about our teen son, Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton? I recounted the few lines he shares on a minute of video that is part of his youtube Memorial Service (from 2009) where he shares his name and says he’s the little brother of his older sister. Birth order can definitely have an impact on people. He was a good team player in the family and with those in his school groups and on the sports teams.
The manner of his passing was linked to being part of a group of friends who were getting ‘wild and woolly’ as country youth out for some fun and pushing limits (though where they were jumping may have seemed calm along the edge of whitewater… There’s plenty more of that practical part of the situation that claimed his life to review.
Today I feel overall he was chiming in and letting me knowt hat ‘he’s walking right beside me, through the ‘replays’ of the kind of Tuesday that changed everything for him primarily as a mortal but also as his family and wide circle of friends and caring community. I consider there are many ways we are still connected and informed. Many of the books in Crystal Essence speak to that and more people with gifts to help us understand that possibility are coming to that special space ( their room upstairs location which has become a kind of sacred space.
With thoughts of going to a mermorial in Vermont for a person I knew over many years, I got the oil changed in my car (the maintenance light in came on and was reset by someone showing me how that’s done.) I spoke with a few people about the pros and cons of going…and mainly I’d like to see some people who are coming from abroad that I haven’t seen in decades
. I do find that keeping up with them on Facebook ‘is the next best thing.’ I’ll keep you posted, but will share that the person did a lot to create more opportunities for people to enjoy the libraries in Vermont! So pick up a book or talk over some interesting points with someone that next time you visit a library. Get creative and social about using resources so more people can catch onto the win-win efforts of shared public spaces.
I heard a lot of important stories on NPR (National Public Radio) as well last night and today, including sadly the Brett Kavanaugh miseries in the book She Said. The authors were exploring points with Terri Gross I believe. Tonight I heard folk music from Doc Watson on a show Hudson River Sampler I think by Dick Hermans on W’KZE. He runs Oblong Books and has done a great deal for the area. All of these movers and shakers need to train up a half dozen folks to take their places if they want a vacation or ever need to relocate…Just sayin’
I hope more are inspired to share their thoughts online or in safe forums as they can. I learned a lot more about and ways for people to mentor another person (a protege, pronounced, “Pro-ta-jay”) for a few months (or a few speeches) with help finding out more about the online program called Toastmasters. If you google Toastmasters you can get jokes to tell, tips for doing talks and much more insight into the roles each person does during a meeting to help the program run in a smooth, proficient manner.
“Timing is everything” takes on another meaning when you realize the option to have ‘timed agendas’ and to track how well people are keeping to limits with friendly guidance (a timer watching the time and alerting the speaker with colored paper (green for first warning, then yellow after another short period of time near the end, then red when the speaker has 30 seconds to wrap it up.) The only time that is a ‘big deal’ is when there is a contest and a speaker will be disqualifed for going over the time limit (or not speaking for the minimum amount. ) It’s okay to pause (even at the beginning and that’s on the house, no penalty for taking a moment…speeches are timed from the start of one’s speaking or significant gesture.
Okay I will direct folks to a post Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton to see more about ‘what Tuesdays meant to me’ since that was the day of the week Kaelan passed around 2:30 pm and I didn’t find out until about 5:30pm… again ‘by chance’ going right down to the river on the way to a music session in Salisbury. Lots more to say but that gives the general idea.
I went over many aspects of my life with a few folks today and it was a rather ‘therapeutic, enlightening Tuesday…” even with reviewing some tough stuff from the past..I realize a few folks hold grudges (some big ones even) against me for things I didn’t do and one for something that was done by mistake (responding to something someone said off the cuff that then had unintended consequences about someone getting a certain situation underway.
That person then felt their only option was practically to commute a couple of hours for a decade. Times are tricky with work and sorting out job interviews and so on. I would offer that if anyone is seeking a job, if you don’t have something nice to say about the person (and maybe even then, depending on what you feel is a plus but may be construed otherwise…) maybe Don’t Say Anything At All.
That’s the kind of ‘HIPPA’ or privacy most people feel is not only recommended but required. Penalties can be very high for disclosure. Sharing the jist of a situation without real names or identifying details is important as an option not to lose the message. Think Twice and Twice more.
Same goes for being ‘affectionate’ or initiating a warm greeting beyond a handshake. Some people can take a hug as a sign of wanting more involvement or beyond a family or friendly type interaction (especially if there is a male involved or someone who may find one attractive given their orientation etc.)
The need for consent is a growing trend..and it means ‘each and every time’ with a time delay of a minute or more likely. There are some people who announce before a social gathering “please respect personal boundaries and refrain from hugging or otherwise being affectionate without checking and waiting for a real response” from the other person (people.) That includes children.
One grandmother I met who’d flown across country to see her grand (or great grand) daughter who was an infant was not allowed to hold or kiss her for concern that someone could have the herpes virus. Apparently a child was exposed to that and suffered quite a set of symptoms. Now that is likely fairly rare but anyone with a known condition (particularly with an active cold sore) would be wise to give people their space. I haven’t really looked into all of those kinds of ‘just under the radar’ situations, but I’m sure there are plenty.
It would be nice to find ways to help people feel more clear and prepared to hear of such concerns Before getting on a plane but likely being near a child is a way to connect energetically a bit more than not being in the same room, etc. Some say ‘within four feet’ we can feel another’s aura or connect more readily. It’s all likely going to be taught in grade school but for now we can hope for the best and take basic precautions (with hand washing, some hand sanitizing and not being around others if run down or very ill or if we have been..)
I would hope more women could consider the wisdom my midwives gave me to ‘rest more than you think you need to’ in the early days and weeks after giving birth (and even before) to allow the uterus to recover. That’s the most powerful muscle in the body and it’s like running a marathon in a few hours (or 36) but all the more reason to R-E-S-T. I saw a book I hope to browse soon called the Slow Down Diet. Doesn’t that sound cozy?
Okay time for rest for this chickadee-dee-dee. My plan at this point is to Sleep In. How about you? Likely it’s early to bed, early to rise..and that’s good medicine all around. Good luck and check out healing vitamins and herbs (such as lysine which may be helpful for cold sores by the way…and of course always run things by your doctor, or rather Walk Into Your Doctor’s Office and Talk Things Over!
Here’s to more people learning to gentle rock babies (such as with a nice smooth walking step forward one step then back to standing pose but then walking the other forward keeping that rhythm going…practice wth a doll or a ball to get the feel of it then ask permission and gently support the baby’s head and body when picking the baby up and holding the little one close and to one’s chest, facing inward or outrward.
For one last bit of inspiration look up Deb Koffman’s Studio (and her popular event on the first Tuesday of the month called IWOW, In Words, Out Words, an open mic with 5 minute spots and sometimes a featured guest. There’s a great idea worth repeating far and wide…Why not make that a goal for 2020 if not before (and of coruse, after!)