On your mark, get set for The Big E! Check their site for all things Big E related in Massachusetts. Closer to the NWCT area, check out the Truck Pull in Falls Village Ct on 9/21/19 and  the play Wait Until Dark at The Warner Theatre and much more in local listings.

I tuned into a radio program about 15 minutes long that covered what’s been happening in the arts and culture aspects of the NWCT area. Here’s the link https://youtu.be/zQPQtn5e4p0.

Enjoy and catch up with more news and events, including a recent letter I wrote to The Lakeville Journal in CT about ‘What Really Happened” (that we may or may not be able to discuss in the future…) about 9/11/01 and basically many other key topics. Much is covered in prior posts here on livfully.org.

Here’s to a peaceful September but one filled with reverence for those who have journeyed on (I know or two memorials happening now that I’d like to be at but need to pace myself…) and with support for the shared common cause and good, Climate Strike 2020 on 9/20 as well as International World Peace Day on 9-21.

Stay Tuned and Informed as you can with others…’like caring sisters and brothers.’ We are figuring a ton out on many levels..but still have a way to go!