Don’t rule out a kind of mental health or substance use issue that may be factoring into someone’s illegal behavior…CT is going to start treating mental health (aka brain disorders, mental illness) more seriously. While the person may be ‘functional physically’ that doesn’t rule out a gap in their understanding of ‘right and wrong’.

Substance abuse is famous of ‘blurring the lines’, yet even without such a reason, people can have the same kinds of issues. Some people steal when they really don’t need to (there’s a name for it…) and strangely hurting those that could be allies is a common theme with abuse in many circles. We ‘prefer’ to be robbed (if it’s going to happen) by a stranger we will never see again…so not to feel unsafe in our areas if not homes…

Some of the confusion can stem from ‘never learning the reasons or traditions for having the laws.’ Eventually there could be lending libraries for toys, clothes and much more if there are real needs.

Thinking of ways to remedy the social tensions and allow people to ask for help (maybe let people with stealing issues have a place they can ‘sneak things out’ then get help as they realize it’s really a kind of mental and social glitch… kind of like a swap shop where things are for free but some may need a set up that’s not open and free.

Maybe they feel ashamed to take things for free, maybe they want to lie about spending money on something…I think openly about ‘the What Ifs’ so that others can do the same and maybe Figure more out.

Everyone likely has inadvertently taken something along the line (copied a video for instance, used office or other supplies for personal use a time or two, not returned library books or other supplies if not things borrowed from friends or family–hopefully with permission… But whatever it is, let’s consider ways we could promote more people understanding human behaviors on a continuum.

Sometimes there may be a ‘wake up call’ to the people and area in general, like being more clear and secure with locking things up or monitoring things, even one’s children and oneself out on walks and so on.

There are wild animals (rabid raccoons or other critters to watch out for so having a cell phone and a buddy would be ideal for basics, especially if regularly on outings, etc.) Overall Planning and envisioning safety and success in each part of our lives and overall for the area is important, not feeling like there’s no stopping the problems.

Holding a positive vision with feeling that ‘is already the case’ is part of the key, some say as you drift off to sleep or as waking up (or both even better…) Things may not change completely overnight (we have to be able to accept new realities…) but Everything Is Changing and In Flux to some extent energetically (and in terms of matter, it ‘hardly exists’, so again consider the bigger picture of what this means….

This post like many on started out concerned with the matter at hand, but maybe like an arrow pointing to a treasure map and new finds in the darkened corner, it’s was part of our wake up call.

Someone who lost something valuable from his pickup truck when parking it a short time was rightly upset last month…and yet later someone close to him passed, and maybe that first loss was a way for his soul to ‘realize how things can change one minute to the next’ and to make connections with people who would also be there for the bigger loss.

We don’t know the complete story about our lives and why we are sharing in being a community but each town and area is like a large family compared to the numbers of people in the equation in cities.

They have their neighborhoods, faith, work and other ties too but in these modern times the rate of change and people in and out of the area is upsetting the normal ways many had to help keep track of just about everything. Many are being priced out of their homes, yards and all.

That’s the case with many Amish in Lancaster PA a NPR radio show was sharing. Their land went from 8K/acre to 20K/acre. The zoning in town changed its laws to allow for 2 horses to be kept on a half acre since most Amish feel they can only travel that way.

Seem we should have many more options for people to live ‘affordably’ now that everyone is feeling the pinch that ‘they are not making any more land’ (at least not available for people to live on though they have opened up many resources for corporations to profit from and often not give a real compensation to the state or federal gov’t.. So again one gal’s bike may be leading the way for us to pay attention to what’s being stolen right out from under us.

This hour is actually Fri 9/20/19 which is ‘Climate Strike 2020″ led by youth around the world I believe. Tune into that and let’s see what else emerges by allowing ideas to flow and wisdom to be sought. I have a piece in the 9/18/10 edition of The Lakeville Journal on p A11