The middle of Oak-tober 2019 found yours truly in the middle of Manhattan for two stellar events, both wanting to help people network and one in particular inspire and enlighten the world big time. Which event was that? Well, both really had a great turn out, with the New Life Expo being about 500 people a day (my guess, maybe it was a thousand) for both Saturday and Sunday and half that for Friday. There were about a hundred booths and a few dozen presenters.

Everyone sparkled and imparted meaningful information if not amazing sounds and insights. Head on over to their site to seewhatI’mtalking about. That said, Check out Kat James whose offering a special 10-day program in the NYC area soon to reset the leptin levels of those eager to ‘get their metabolism back in working order’ (an overall summary of extensive work she’s been doing and helping people with for a decade or more, with over 90 such groups of people she’s helped with such efforts.

See what Doctor Joel Wallach (of Dead Doctors Don’t Lie) has to share and offer to give you a jumpstart on getting needed nutrients on a daily basis (and what to cut out such as Hot Dogs, Bacon, Well-done or burnt meats.) I meant to ask him about the hot air cooker I saw that doesn’t use oils, because he did mention those ar not on our team either.

Check out what the Sproutman offers (one of my faves from prior years) and which his sons now run promoting wheat grass juicing (and with capsules that can impart the good stuff too.) There are some rather Amazing practically Out of this World kind of programs still running this month via Tesla Metamorphosis training…Check.It.Out! I bought the book and am eager to read through it tomorrow!

Okay so there’s more on the website. I do want to acknowledge Mark Becker the director of the whole shabang and wish him and his team all the best for many more to come. This year was the 30th Anniversary..and I believe they’ll be another in May in NYC…and in Florida over the winter.

A tip for getting enticed to ‘buy everything that appeals’ would be to have a friend one calls if not brings along to really think things through..and to Delay a spontaneous purchase (even at the end for the best deals, some of which do come along.) But overall people there are earning their money setting up shop for a few days and creating great connections and opportunities often many miles from their homebase.

I did enjoy hearing Tammy Adams talk about her understanding of one’s soul mate (only one person she says and it’s someone you really feel at home with even if life happens and you’re able and willing to work through those human challenges etc. In a way it seemed there was a lot of ‘gray area’ that really could have more light shone upon it…much like I get to on the blog.

One needs to be practical and always accept that you are half of an equation in a partnership…Some people ‘come with others already in their hearts or lives’ so that would also be valuable for folks like Tammy to help clarify…Many children have ‘two sets of parents’ even from shortly after conception, where a couple is not together but each have another partner.

Blended families and groups of friends, (ex-sweethearts, spouses etc, but hopefully not ex-parents though some may need very clear boundaries and support people for safety around children and a former partner etc.)

I’ll aim to explore more of that another time, but Tammy Adams also touched on what Twin Flame(s) are ..and yes, she said one could have ‘more than one of those in a lifetime’…and while there could be connection mainly physically the energy would be lacking a deeper tie and would not be the same as the soulmate bond. Now for the record I am just trying to share the jist of what she said. She has talks on youtube, and does sessions, so only take this as my interpretation of what I heard, not what she said chapter and verse.

She also said finding one’s Life Purpose is important because it is a large part of what we ‘came to do on earth’ and yes, we each have one. It could be to experience things or be connected to someone or a cause, not just a certain line of work. Okay, I need to wrap up and Think Sleep. I am ready for that. Best to all with the Rest of Oak-tober! Happy Exploring on and off the trails of planned learning and meeting folks and keeping in touch with old friends too (Yes I did a bit of all of that…and hope to do so again soon.)