For those curious about Bill Philipps,, he had 60 people seek insights and messages ‘from the other side’ at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA and has two books out. He’s also giving a class in developing one’s intuition and more at Kripalu in Lenox MA this weekend.
In the course of thinking I’d signed up to hear his talk and looking for a ride back from the event, I called to see if they could let me know if people from NWCT area had signed up. That was going to be tricky but they said they’d see me at 6pm.
Then I got a call from them that said I hadn’t signed up, so I checked my bank statement and apparently I didn’t actually sign up though I meant to last month.
Lesson learned…put in on a few calendars and get a receipt for everyone’s benefit (mostly mine) along with the time since I thought it’d be at 6pm.
I generally look things up to review details a few days prior, but have been travelling so that slipped by the wayside.
That said, I did get to the NYC New Llfe Expo (which has some follow up events so see their site for this weekend including Tesla Metamorphosis or Energy Healing Training) and will put some highlights on my blog before long.
Here’s to everyone putting things on a calendar and double checking (and using the google calendars or friends to help one keep up with the day to day highlights.) For important things like taking medicine, make a check mark on the calendar after taking it.
In NYC there’s a company that will actually pay people for taking a picture of their med bottle as part of taking their pills regularly (about 180/ 6 months.)
Maybe pretend you are being paid or docked if forgetting and see if that helps with meds or other key things (like picking kids up, and for other tips, again see the blog, but one idea I hope spreads is to keep a teddy bear (or stuffed animal, or doll etc) in a car seat when it’s empty.\
Then place the toy in the front seat to remind one to take the child out before leaving the car even for a minute (which can turn into more..or take the teddy bear with you if it’s really for just a minute but that gets dicey…since time can fly and cars heat up, or strangers could take a child. So back to the stricter rule (if not law) and take the child out each and every time you leave.
The more people share tips the faster they can catch on. Many people will do ‘what’s expected and seems cool’ even if it’s not the law or if it is. That’d mean wearing seatbelts too, etc. Okay thanks to tuning into your Basic Intuition.