From, Falls Village CT 06031, No Edits or Additions from Livfully (except the title of this post)
( The following from the Selectman’s Blog)
” What can you do? Several things in fact.
You can support the Fiber Optic initiative, the zoning changes to help us get more downtown vitality, support increasing our line item in the budget for downtown renovation and maintenance, continue to volunteer and embrace affordable, mixed use housing.
We, your selectmen, are optimists.
We want to ensure that we prepare our little part of the world to get more than our fair share of what the future offers.
Moving on to other matters, we will have a Town Meeting on Wednesday, November 13th at Town Hall starting at 7 PM.
Four items are on the agenda.
First, by town ordinance, we must ratify the teachers contract at Kellogg school for the next three years.
Second, we need to approve taking $4100 from the environmental fund for removing the buried oil tank at Kellogg school.
Third, the Kellogg school wants us to approve expending up to $15,000 from their Capital Reserve to bury the propane tanks underground.
Finally, we have received an offer from Aquarion to purchase the assets of our water works for $345,000.
We need your approval to proceed with the sale. Both the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen have given their approval for the sale. Representatives of Aquarion will be at the meeting to answer any questions that you might have.