Β is a TED Talk introducing insights into how Quantum Mechanics relates to humans. We are a chemical mix and I’ll add a little magic. Let’s see what this fellow has to share. Don’t be scared by a couple of the equations he shares early on.
He gives Madame Curie credit for her work along with other leaders such as Albert Einstein.Β We are making new objects that behave the way similar to ones we have… with quantum mechanical patterns. I may have to watch this twice.
All the best in your pursuits and sharing what you learn along the way. Quantum Super Position (something being in two places at the same time… if I got that right from the talk.) Then there’s something called Entanglement…and if they are then separated they may still have qualities of being entangled (even if apart over great distances.) Okay time to listn to more of this intriguing discussion…