I donated to this cause https://act.350.org/donate/BM2019-US. This was promoted by Bill McKibben’s video which I will watch in a minute…I also donated in our teen son’s Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton’s memory since he was all about saving the earth. In a strange turn of events, he risked his life in dangerous water to save one friend after rescuing two others (and had gotten out safely twice himself, perhaps trying to let others know the current was too strong at the base of the Falls in Falls Village and Salisbury CT, in June 2009.)
He gave his all and it may have helped with saving that third friend, while a rope rescuer was able to secure a loop around the youth and return with him to the land many feet above. What if that is an analogy for the kind of warning and action that will be needed many times over around the world to wake up to climate change?
Who is realizing the waters are rising along with the temperatures and presenting serious dangers for people at large? Who is sounding the alarm about the harm happening even as I type this out? We’ve heard of Greta the great Thunberg (and she’s talking about the melting icebergs so that can help us remember her name…)
Now there are many gathering on Fridays to show support. When leaders of the movement such as Bill McKibben chime in the flock can follow his shining example. Greenpeace has given a grade to each US Presidential Candidate regarding their efforts and plans to reduce fossil fuels. I met a nice group of young adults, including some from Turkey and other countries, working for Green Peace who showed me the list.
Let’s keep the good efforts going. Energy engineer Linnea Paton has been recognized in her field as well for doing important advocacy and sounding the clarion call to get more professionals involved in addressing these major issues.
All adults, whether legally recognized at age 18 or 21 should be formally welcomed into the world of taking responsibility for joining in meaningful efforts and even leading the way. They have more skills on many levels and often a thousand or two facebook friends so clearly have social capital to use.
Working together to ease personal worries and pressures can be seen a special kind of courage that deserves collective support and helps the greater cause of basically ‘getting US All out of this mess.’ Financial burdens should not weigh youth down or older people either for that matter. Strangely ‘forgetting about the reality’ may be an effective way to shift how things go for someone, but no one mentions that much.
The basic idea is to live into one’s future as though it is already happening and then the world can unfold in that direction, and one can go with the flow of positive help along the way. Some may call that ”magical thinking’. More efforts could be established by people who have ‘travelled that road before’ or have a larger load of stuff, funds, needs to barter and so on to assist people along the way. Hoarding on many levels is basically ‘a bit much’ and can stifle the flow of resources.
Finding workable solutions for many conditions, internal and external, could be another area for each town, group state and country to develop. Thanks for tuning into this post and others…I haven’t looked up the latest on the impreachment, but it seems to have been implemented by the US House.
A day to note in any event, December 19th, 2019…Jenn McLean has a special hour to acknowledge each 19th of the month in 2019 so maybe listen to one or more before 2020 arrives, when she will hold the live online free sessions on the 20th of each month (and so on through 2030 I believe.) Very cool and inspiring.
I have some posts that recognize each age group with certain days of the month as well. See what is offered by Terah Cox on HeavenAndEarthWorks.com too, with Birth Angels that correspond to five days for each date, including one’s birthday. Today’s angels on December 19th happen to correspond with those on May 14th, Nithael, for Eternal Youth.
People with those birthdates share that angel energy…and in a family or friend circle may be assisted with saying that name, Nit-hi-el (pronunciation) and connecting with that energy. May it be so… HugEnergy all around and Happy Birthday to You Whenever that it during the year and especially it it’s today! Best and Bright Futures for the Greater Healing and Good!Thanks for Sharin’ and Carin’ (That’s my code hello to friends with those names in the great beyond, including community hero Sharon Robinson. of Brooklyn NY and also KarenKisslinger.com) Love to all those above during the holidays and throughout the year and decade to come. I’m sure they’re rooting for us and guiding us along with many positive forces.