I heard Tammy Adams (see her youtube channel)Β at the New Life Expo in NYC (which happens twice a year…) Whose up for a field trip one of those times… even for the day but spending two makes the time more memorable..so planning ahead makes sense

. I heard someone got an air bnb for 80 dollars..and it turned out to be a van, so double-check any accommodations for details.and go with a friend or two…

Just common sense which could apply for any moving and driving (as much as possible keep track of each other with two people in one vehicle (a friend etc) and take precautions with directions and iffy aspects of travel such as large loads, unclear roads (where one is going, how the turns in driveways or side roads will be negotiated etc.)

Unintended consequences can happen predictably at such junctures so it makes sense to have safety teams plan travel routes, and have drive teams in the lead and even behind (Since speeding is the number one reason there are ‘collisions not necessarily accidents.)

Even going through the Goshen Traffic circle or other intersections (red lights and so on) encourage other riders to ‘keep an eye out’ for cars, pestrians, pets and so on that are on the road or about to enter into one’s space. If you need to brake to avoid crashing into someone or some car, tree or precipice, don’t be afraid to slam on the brakes (a tip from a great class I got to sit on…)

Time is very much of the essence and speed is Distance over Time (D/T)…so to not go far, you can’t take long in stopping. Everyone could be more generous and wise about leaving a space cushion between cars on the road.

Tailgating and so forth is really unnecessary. Everyone will get to where they need to go within a few minutes, so plan to leave time for delays or slow drivers and be cool and kind..’tis the season and there’s a life and death reason to drive safely and soberly.

Go S-L-O-W-L-Y when coming upon parked cars or even when opening a door if there’s a chance a bicyclist or other car may zoom by… Okay with those ‘free tips for the day’ I’ll tune into what Jarrad Hewett is sharing live at 4:30 pm online for free (with a replay) about the solstice. Good times for everybuddy with a sense of fair play and teamwork.

The Ted Talks on the NY Radio hour today (12-21-19 on NPR I think WSHU) spoke to that point of how you play the game of life in terms of choosing to have all feel like winners rather than one person or team Win in terms of points. The Japanese ping pong player speaking on the show (Edu?) is one I’ll aim to listen to more..and check out his book.

The ping pong club he belongs to set up games that had pairs playing but switching often so the odds of everyone doing well went up and the scores didn’t really matter so much since the teams changed during play.Β  In the US New Games are about groups cooperating…another talk was about the lack of financial literacy in our country of the US.

That is one that every state could address and would likely cut down on crime since many in poverty who can’t read or write or do math, tend to head into dire ways to make money.

Marianne Williamson and other Pres.Candidates who speak to healing root causes should be applauded for educating America during the important election process when people are paying attention.

We basically need free education online about all sorts of things and also free computer access to help more people get over the digital divide and get in the game of life in meaningful ways as team players.

Here’s to a Decade of Hope and Healing as I wrote about on livfully.org and in the Lakeville Journal which is asking for donations. More of us should warm up to doing that, so let’s talk about that item sometimes to help more stay in the game of rural living or urban life too.

Even public transportation costs of course, but NYC is talking about ways to help more afford that who earn less than 14K or so. Maybe rural areas could dream up some very basic ways to assist people with transportation (affordably of course.)

Thanks to all who learn and support Chore Service and other helping agencies and independent caregivers..too few and far between but key to many people feeling supported and able to manage at home or even more reasonably in a facility.