Here’s the link to check out Denise Dominguez’ youtube channel. I have only seen a few minutes of what she is offering and plan to watch much more.These are the kinds of topics that can educate people who miss the signs in their relationships that ‘Something Isn’t Right but can’t quite put their finger on it, or hope it will heal on its own, or that Someone Else will intervene and make things better.’ There are hundreds of other ‘wishes and prayers, tactics and tears’ that can be Clear Warning Signs that One May Be in Difficulty if not Danger emotionally, socially, economically, legally, with risk to one’s social and parenting skills and roles and much more. So Why Aren’t More Professionals Talking About This Stuff? I will have to see where she is based. I think I heard of her through Iris Benrubi who is another gem..and she’s based in Canada. So I feel it’s likely the case that Denise is from somewhere that is more evolved also..or allows for open discussion of important topics that are basically a Public Health Concern. Many good coaches assert you can’t just listen and learn about things however to get the level of understanding and skills needed to put things into practice (and maybe build one’s support team which is what I  encourage..and likely some of that will be online or on the phone withs support groups weekly, monthly if not some daily or other more local check ins with a friend or others you mention What You are Doing to Help Yourself. Keep a journal and as these folks suggest, write down or spend meaningful time doing the exercises or ‘one’s homework.’ Okay back to learning more from Life After Narcisissm (that’s a lot of s’s by the way and tricky to spell rather like the term which is a hissing poisonous snake kind of condition. I do feel sorry for people who are unable or unwilling (or both if unable in the first place) to have any insight about their own patterns which hurt themselves and others. There could be more  of a societal ‘check in’ kind of site or hotline to help someone sort out what’s what. If someone is willing to go to a 12-step program online even, anonymously, maybe more ideas would filter in about a Condition they may have. People Can Change as Greta Thunberg shared to cheer up the world and spread hope about dlimate change. Plenty of people have Changed and many may need to agree to ongoing supervision to maintain their respectful, safe interactions…That counts too. Likely everyone coming out of prison would benefit from such voluntary offers. Even kids aging out of foster care need and merit support. What’s more challenging is helping people who do not have natural supportive social networks or who have created turmoli so merit more skilled interventions or support people to keep them on track. Like healing from a broken leg, one may need help taking small steps or finding support (a knee roller for instance if weight can’t be placed directly on a foot.)

All of those things take time. In terms of health in general, checking that someone is physically sound with blood work, awareness of blood pressure, hearing, dental and and nutritional needs (watching for sodium levels, and or course keeping drinks and drugs to a minimum and not mixing prescription meds with alcohol consumption, and watching out for UTIs –urinary tract infections in the elderly or when someone is sick in general or not drinking enough fluids and so on since those can affect one’s mental health as can Lyme disease and other subltle conditions.)

We are physical, mental, social and cultural beings. We can get worked up over ideas and causes, people and places, things and plans. But having regular routines for good sleep, eating, getting fresh air (even a few minutes can remind one of how big the world is and of nature which we are part of, not apart from and much more.) Socially and legally, financially and individually we matter a lot.

Taking time to appreciate the complexity of a person, where they are in life, their mental health and life and family history as well as their current prospects can help someone feel more clear about their overall situation and their next steps. Okay, back to the online info and enjoying these few days in December before Christmas and as Hannukah has begun to appreciate what the world is doing at large and in personal ways.

Hope it’s going to be healing and ‘uneventful’ as I did catch a news blurb saying North Korea’s leader was wanting some talks or input on matters before Christmas and there’s evidence they were using more explosions over that way. Let’s hope the great forces in the world can help us find out way to safey and sanity on every front, the personal, societal, national and international and beyond. Every day, year and decade is a gift…and I want to research more about what Stephen Hawking saying maybe our next hundred years will be a bigger test than most of us have imagined…