I don’t want to forget this inspiring idea to make a special day of the “8”s each month. I shared the idea with a 9 year old gal and she thought it would make sense to have a special time of Snow Person or Snow Being Days from the 8th to the 16th! I liked that she chimed right in with what sounded special to her…and that 16 is indeed 8+8. That led to thinking about having the 24th (8+8+8) and then the other days with an 8 in the date, such as 18 and 28.
I was asking about doing something ‘every 28 days’ (leaning into the flexibility and inspiration of the final 8 in 28. That had a lightbulb effect of doing something Every 28 Days..which I realize likely echoes the amount of time between the new moon and the full moon. I’ve taken a few programs to appreciate that setting intentions one has written down or focused on on the new moon date can be helpful and trust it is coming into fruition with the full moon. So I’ll seee what the calendar is saying about new moons and half moons and full moons etc and aim to list those in another post.
The way one marks the 8s can be cre8tive and caring, balanced with self-care and a good deed for another, small or a bit bigger. I spoke on WSBS.com on the 28th of December 2019 so that was the kick-off for the Celebr8ting 8s to wrap up 2019. Lots of other ideas too… such as considering doing something special for our late son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton’s date of birth just after midnight on January 6th, 1993.
A few days of a camp fire was one hope and someone lit a fire in their back yard I could appreciate so that’s one location…though I’ll likely do one in the Turtle Garden near our country home in CT, about a mile from the Housatonic River which marked his final moments (see the post below for more about that and google for more pictures of Kaelan enjoying doing a handstand on his snowboard and other engaging photos of him enjoying life as a country lad and fine young man.
The 64 Days of Peace from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to Ghandi’s Birthday carries us from mid-January to early April. That would indicate a special 8×8 period of peace and keeping a tradition going. Hopefully that is catching on much like Kwanzaa has done for people of African American descent..though I think it’d make sense for everyone to warm up to the principles of Kwanzaa.
Thanks for thinking about ways to improve your own life and circles, a little at a time and with inspiration whether from online or more personal interactions. Best to all.