Make a Plan to Make It Happen is something the announcer shared after hearing of a young couple from Ohio meeting at a camp 6 years prior who spoke of going to celebrate New Year’s Eve some day. They’ve been married five years. They had also shared surprise birthday trip (to Phoenix AZ) for him to go skydiving (apparently alone I think…)

Her husband went along with it. Meanwhile before that Jared Fox, a NYC science teacher, spoke enthusiastically about young people such as his students and many across NYC and the country and world bringing attention and leadership to the Climate Change Concerns. He offered that this was the decade hopefully to ‘solve that problem.”

They practiced raising and dropping the ball accordingly yesterday and showed a bit of footage. The ball will drop 75 feet at midnight… A fellow named Christian Power from Queens NY said he is a “Worldwide Friend.” I bet he’ll be recruited to lead some cool movement (maybe to advocate for climate change with the younger people in the world…)

Lots of family and friend energy echoing out from the shout outs and people showing up. Thanks to all for doing their part and sending out positive energy wherever they are in a balanced way. Feliz Ano Nuevo!

Okay other nice folks from Utah (who had gone there from the East.) Lots to consider as the night unfolds. So far, so good. I thought I heard some fireworks go off in my rural area..and an owl hooting but that could have been from a television in another part of the house.

“Owl See You With Wise Eyes in the 2020” is on a flyer I drew the other day with the owl’s eyes being the 0s and the 2 between them the beak. I also added mountains of grace, hope and help and rainbows of love and wisdom, faith, forgiveness and healing on all levels.

Take a chance at drawing an inspired saying to help your dreams and ideas come true and gain ground… action and collaboration will see us through in our United States of A Miracle and Beyond.

Happy New Wise Decade and Seeing Things in New Ways starting in 3, 2,1 hours from now… as we welcome a Tree-Mend-Us Outreach Opportunity in 2020.

See my other posts about Acorns to Oaks Team Outeach and Friends United Network. Also the from the ground up efforts of Thinking KAPP, Kids Adults Parents PLANS– Peoplle Living, Learning and Loving with Agreements and Networking, Sharing and Socializing throught Schools, Social Media and Society… Keep Sharin’ and Carin’..and know there’s lots of love from above rooting for US All!