Thanks for your steadfast support to us and the wider world. I shared some of your info on and hope to read your book soon that I’ve gotten in the past.


Peace and light (from here to Hawaii where I traveled to see Laurie Moore of too and back through Sedona AZ and NM to see friends and more before landing back in NYC after month away in early March 2020. A dream trip come true with a weekend conference with Gregg Braden and few hundred folks learning about HeartMath…I got to go for free to the public booths and met many cool people.)


Then ‘we all know what happened next’…or do we? I have been online and getting inspired right and left so hope that’s helpful for others as well. Ali Storm of Project One, David Adelson and others at which has a helpful podcast with guests (including Deb Poneman who I am also taking Yes To Success with) and well, lots more.


I let folks know a few of the resources on my blog and will share more on too. Meanwhile I am taking time to hone in on my special path(s.) I keep your offers in mind just need to pace myself..I’m doing a couple of programs, one for 6 months (two nights a month plus replays…) and one for 6 weeks (once nightly with replay to boost too..and some breakout visit groups too on that one to check in, a helpful aspect.)


I am dreaming up a program I could offer to a membership so (drum roll) I am taking classed in having a successful launch (from Jeff Walker and am hearing a talk by Bob Proctor right now..and hope to catch Michael Neeley on podcasting and a summit later in the month…) Then on my possible wish list too is being at Jenn McLean and Marianne Williamson’s program at the end of the month…so I’m definitely in good company…


Hope to hear more from you soon (and others even in the practical fields of health and balance… from Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and who I hope to be an affiliate with…along with letting people know about the PeaceMaker Systems so be in touch on my FB page if interested too at Livfully.) Thanks again for all you do and hope we can feel more familiar and encouraged by all we are doing and pursuing, including filling our purses but not above personal integrity and support for one another. Best to all, Catherine Palmer Paton


PS I appreciate the modern ways to connect and support one another. If you would like to donate to my efforts, feel free to do so at Many thanks also for all you do and those who support one another on all levels with hope, faith and good works.