If you have the time over the next few days (or share with friends on FB to encourage all to do this), the following Republican senators should be called to say that a trial without witnesses and supporting documents can not be a fair one. Trump just said: “We have the documents and
they don’t!” Sounds pretty much like obstruction, doesn’t it.

Susan Collins: 202-224-2523 * (up for reelection)
John Thune: 202-224-2321
Lisa Murkowski: 202-224-6665
Ben Sasse: 202-224-4224
Shelly Moore: 202-224-6472
Lamar Alexander: 202-224-4944
Mike Braun: 202-224-4814
Richard Burr: 202-224-3154
Mitt Romney: 202-224-5251

Cory Gardner 202-224-5941