Hello to All as I finally have my plans coming together for a trip from NYC to Hawaii…I wonder how many miles the average (if there is such a thing) Vassar or college age student from the 1980s has logged in the past few decades…

If we knew then what we know now about the world, how might we have tweaked our life choices and connections? I see the hundreds and even thousands of FB friends todays’ college grads have, and know many have done a lot of travel, work in various fields and advocacy to improve the world. I like to think of the value each generation has had in creating pathways and programs for our societal and world evolution…

I have met people about 10-20 years older than us who were the first women in their fields of law. I know one woman acknowledged women engineers who made her path more possible when receiving recognition as a young environmental engineer in the US and beyond. I know someone in a PhD program in plasma physics so realize there’s always more to even hear about.

The ideas from Steven Greer (a much bigger presence in the world scene) offer that we have ways to cure all that’s ailing society, as in alternative energy and high tech, but it’s being stymied by the powers that be.

That took me a couple of years to consider and it’s not the easiest to ‘revise one’s understanding of history, politics and basically reality’ but there’s not much a Grandmother won’t do to figure out things for the young ones…

Okay so back to my trip of the hour … I’ll have time to gain new insights with a healing group of people and positive energies in Hawaii… and see friends and relatives in the AZ and NM. Seems like the whole alphabet of experiences. I am using this to spur other networking and initiatives and would welcome any input from our class and others that would like to connect on PM or here, or thinkingkapp@gmail.com

My blog livfully.org and one on medium.com/@livfully are also points I share with our local Lakeville Journal of CT. By the way I am very much appreciating any support to keep my ventures going (as is the Lakeville Journal now on a membership model to not have to close)…and donations for my efforts over the years and ongoing can be directed to paypal.me/CathPalmPaton

From what I’m hearing the more we work together and share in each other’s positive ventures, the more the wheels of ‘evolving with love’ and learning can happen. I enjoyed hearing The Lisa Garr show with Mike Dooley (author of many books) who recounted that a man named Theo made a million dollar shot from across court (and really got the million bucks) likely in part to his social support taking time daily to see him already succeeding and contributing to helping that all unfold (selling tickets for the event to happen, welcoming people and support, and more even though not really doing those things.)

I feel I’ve been tapping into that kind of things over my life time. Since I’m from a small town likely more things seemed possible to me with ‘small challenges’ but then when I went into larger settings, in New Haven or Fairfield CT for instance, I still saw the world through my small -town lens… and kept the sense of ‘these are just people, lots of them so ideally things will be easier’ in mind.

That’s how I viewed Vassar as well, with the odds for success way up there…and then when discouraging things happened likely it brought me back to earth, that there was a little something more to having things go well than just tons of smart capable people living in the same area…

Okay well, I will think on that some more, but did appreciate the many steps toward greater community building and The Listening Center (and other support services which were a novelty then and likely are more of a mainstay now…) Still there’s plenty to do with the basics of safety in relationships, considering the laws and options for individuals and families facing conflict and much more.

Those are the things few talk about and there is not a clear path our country is taking… rather many experts are trying to make things safe and clear while the social media folks are ‘winning the day’ for many Fathers Rights groups, regardless of safety concerns…according to the experts I have heard of such as from CA Protective Parents Assoc and Battered Mothers Custody Conference.

All college and high school students, and particularly women, would have major upgrades if taking time to consider the information and research from these two main organizations. They are the front runners about the legalities (and broken systems..)

Energetically the ideas of seeking healing and wholeness from early on in life and having support along those lines would be great for all people, especially families and new parents and youth. Ideally those two forums would collaborate as well, but there’s very little discussion going on…no time, no clear ‘reason’ to do so and lots of pressure in the societal realms to be able to take some time off and consider other ways to address matters.

Everyone needs to have someone whose ‘accountable’ and more communities could tune into what that might look like, even with a set of online courses and coaches…

Okay I’ll come back to all of this another time…but again, feel grateful to share these ideas here then put them on the blogs and hopefully reach more people who need the help or who can take these things to those in need and to other advocacy efforts.

That paper has archives online and our communities have foundations to support non-profits and more which make a huge difference. I love that Vassar and most colleges are using their privilege to make connections and enhance the communities around them more and more. Hope this is helpful and not Too overwhelming to consider.

I find groups in Toastmasters, Permaculture, many faiths (and interfaith) as well as activism is making life and networking more meaningful and possible. We need people to live in our small towns in the tri-corner NY/MA/CT area so send folks our way (about an hour from VC), very scenic and easy to enjoy with The Berkshires up the road and train service to NYC near Amenia NY. Just filling you all in so I don’t have to say That at reunion. I’ll have to put much of this post on my blogs so more hear the message…

Okay, be in touch as works and Thanks So Much for the Good EveryBuddy’s doing and pursuing in their lives and circles…and beyond.. Have a sparkling day… Catherine